Download PDF To: Global Fund supporters around the world From: Rita Arauz Molina, Global Fund board member representing Developing Country NGOs Peter van Rooijen, Global Fund board member representing Developed Country NGOs Anandi Yuvaraj, Global Fund board member representing communities living with HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria Date: 10 August 2005 Re: Urgent Call for Action regarding Global Fund financing Dear…
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ABSTRACT The three NGO board members of the Global Fund, backed by a coalition of NGOs in Europe, North America and Japan, today launched a Call for Action regarding Global Fund financing. They explained that donor governments, at their Replenishment Meeting on September 5-6 in London, are likely to pledge far less money to the Global Fund than the Fund says it requires.
To: Global Fund supporters around the world
From: Rita Arauz Molina, Global Fund board member representing Developing Country NGOs
Peter van Rooijen, Global Fund board member representing Developed Country NGOs
Anandi Yuvaraj, Global Fund board member representing communities living with HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria
Date: 10 August 2005
Re: Urgent Call for Action regarding Global Fund financing
Dear Global Fund supporter,
As things currently stand, there is a real possibility that theĀ Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and MalariaĀ will not raise enough money to enable it to launchĀ anyĀ new grant rounds in 2006 or 2007.
Donor governments will hold a Replenishment Meeting in London on 5-6 September 2005 to raise the Global Fund’s stated needs of $2.9 billion in 2006 (plus a further $0.7 billion to meet the anticipated 2005 funding gap), and $4.2 billion in 2007, for a total of $7.8 billion. Obtaining this money will mean that people can be hired and trained, health and social systems can be strengthened, and medications and equipment can be purchased. The need for scaling up the response has never been greater.
According to our understanding of current donor intentions, thereĀ willĀ be enough money pledged to cover the renewal of ongoing two-year grants that have proven to be successful, but there willĀ notĀ be enough money pledged to enable the Fund to deliver on its plan to launch one new round in 2006 and two in 2007. Indeed, the total number of new rounds over those two years may be one or even zero.
Insufficient funding for the Global Fund will also undermine efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goal of halting and reversing the spread of HIV and other communicable diseases by 2015. Likewise, if the Global Fund does not have enough resources, implementing the G8’s recent promise to achieve universal access to HIV treatment by 2010 will be impossible.
Donor countries are making their decisions right now as they prepare for the Replenishment Meeting.
We need your urgent help in advocating for adequate funding to meet the Global Fund’s needs. Specifically, we ask you to:
- Arrange for your organization to sign the attached “Urgent International Appeal for Full Funding of the Global Fund.” To do so, simply send an email toĀ GlobalFundAppeal@aidspan.orgĀ saying that your organization wishes to sign the Appeal. Specify your organization’s name and country. Try to do this today. The final date for submitting names is 20 August. (Note: We will separately be asking CCM Chairs and other notables to sign the Appeal in their own names. Suggestions for names will be welcome.)
- Urgently write to relevant government ministers in donor countries requesting that adequate money be pledged to the Global Fund at the Replenishment Meeting. (For further action suggestions, see the Advocacy Alert mentioned below.)
- Forward this letter and the attached Appeal to your contacts.
A special web page atĀ www.aidspan.org/globalfund/appealĀ shows (a) the attached Appeal, in English, French, Spanish and Russian; (b) this letter, in the same languages; (c) a regularly-updated list of which organizations and notable individuals have signed the Appeal; (d) names and addresses to use when writing to donor government leaders; (e) a list of key messages (in the four languages) that you can draw upon when writing to donor governments; and (f) a link to the ICASO/Aidspan “Advocacy Alert: Global Fund Financing”, in the four languages, with further suggestions for action.
We urge your organization, and others you are in contact with, to sign the Appeal and, if possible, to write to donor governments. There is very little time available, and it is crucial that the Global Fund receive adequate funding to enable it to launch new rounds in 2006 and 2007.
Queries arising from this Call for Action should be sent toĀ GlobalFundAppeal@aidspan.org.
Rita Arauz Molina,Ā Global Fund board member representing Developing Country NGOs
Peter van Rooijen,Ā Global Fund board member representing Developed Country NGOs
Anandi Yuvaraj,Ā Global Fund board member representing communities living with HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria