The Global Fund Board has approved $57.9 million to finance interventions listed on the Register of Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) for existing grants in five countries: Algeria (HIV), Ethiopia (TB), Ghana (malaria), Nigeria (TB), and Uzbekistan (TB) grants. The additional funding comes from the reallocation of unutilized funds from other existing Global Fund grants to other countries, termed āportfolio optimizationā….
Fiscal agents reduce financial risks within Global Fund grants but do not build implementer capacity
Fiscal agents have been part of the Global Fund Financial management system in countries with high or moderate fiduciary risks since 2012. According to the Global Fund Guidelines on Financial Risk Management, fiscal agents reduce financial risks originating from weak financial management of principal or sub-recipients of Global Fund grants. This article aims to foster an understanding of the place…
Le Fonds mondial dƩduit 170,6 millions de dollars de la somme allouƩe au Nigeria pour 2014/2016
Le Fonds mondial a dĆ©duit 170,61Ā millions de dollars de la somme allouĆ©e au Nigeria pour 2014/2016 parce que le pays nāa pas respectĆ© ses engagements de financement de contrepartie pour cette pĆ©riode. Le pays a Ć©tĆ© informĆ© de cette dĆ©cision dans une lettre datĆ©e du 19Ā dĆ©cembreĀ 2017 signĆ©e Mark Edington, directeur de la division de gestion des subventions, dont Aidspan a…
Paludisme au Nigeria, le Fonds mondial et les gĆ©ants de lāalcool et programmation transformatrice de genre
Ci-aprĆØs des informations sur trois sujets dont nous pensons quāils intĆ©resseront nos lecteursĀ : Ex-ministre Ć©thiopienĀ : la lutte contre le paludisme au Nigeria est confrontĆ©e au plus gros dĆ©ficit financier IntervieweurĀ : Martins Ifijeh Dans cette interview, M. Kesete Admasu, ancien ministre de la SantĆ© dāĆthiopie et actuellement directeur gĆ©nĆ©ral du Partenariat Faire reculer le paludisme, affirme que le Nigeria est confrontĆ©…
Malaria in Nigeria; the Global Fund and “big alcohol”; and Gender-transformative programming
Below, we provide information on three items that we believe will interest our readers: Ethiopian ex-Minister: Nigeria faces largest financial gap to tackle malaria Interviewer: Martins Ifijeh In this interview, Dr. Kesete Admasu, who is the former Minister of Health for Ethiopia, and who is presently the Chief Executive Officer of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, said Nigeria faces…