Oliver Campbell White
![Audit des subventions du Fonds Mondial au Nigeria](https://aidspan.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/WhatsApp-Image-2023-01-16-at-10.07.45-AM-1024x576.jpeg)
Oliver Campbell White
Oliver Campbell White
De nombreuses améliorations ont été enregistrées depuis le dernier audit, mais il reste de nombreux problèmes à régler. C’est ce qu’affirme le Bureau de l’Inspecteur général (BIG) à propos d’un audit de suivi des subventions du Fonds mondial au Nigeria terminé récemment. Certaines des mesures d’atténuation mises en œuvre ont besoin de plus de temps pour devenir efficaces, ajoute le…
Samuel Muniu and Ann Ithibu
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a global health partnership that pools resources from donor countries, foundations, private organizations, and philanthropists to support developing countries to address HIV, tuberculosis and malaria epidemics, whilst strengthening their health systems for optimum impact and sustainability. Presently, over 100 countries are receiving support from the Global Fund. Nigeria has been…
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria gives grants to more than 100 countries. The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), which comprises representatives of State, civil society, key populations, and other stakeholders usually select Principal Recipients (PRs) to administer these grants. The PRs are implementers, and are generally state institutions like the Ministry of Health or non-state actors like non-governmental…
The Global Fund Secretariat and Nigeria’s Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) are at odds over the HIV/TB grant’s principal recipients (PRs) for the 2020-2022 cycle. The bone of contention is the Secretariat’s decision to downgrade the Society for Family Health (SFH), an indigenous civil society organization (CSO), to the role of sub-recipient of Family Health International (FHI 360), which will become…
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has published a joint report on the findings from two salary-related investigations, conducted in Nigeria in March 2019 and in Indonesia in May 2019, in which the OIG found non-compliant expenditures of $202,240. In Nigeria, the OIG investigated a salary kickback scheme that resulted in the misappropriation of $166,930, and in Indonesia, the…
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