A new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit of Global Fund grants in the Democratic Republic of Congo acknowledges successes across the three diseases achieved under extraordinarily challenging circumstances, but also highlights stockouts or insufficient stocks of health commodities, data inaccuracies relating to people living with HIV, inadequate financial management by the Principal Recipient and limited Secretariat oversight. This…
Domestic financial contributions to HIV, TB and malaria programs remain low in Global Fund ‘high-impact’ Asian countries
The role of domestic resources has taken centre stage as the Global Fund approaches the Replenishment Conference for the next implementation period, which will take place in October in Lyon, France. The Global Fund, in its Investment Case for the Sixth Replenishment, projects that domestic funding for HIV, TB and malaria programs will grow by 48% to $46 billion in…
IAS 2019 conference on HIV science reveals hopeful new treatment and prevention approaches
The International AIDS Society’s 10th Conference on HIV Science took place in Mexico City from July 21 to 24, and featured a number of noteworthy developments relating to clinical care and treatment of HIV. Implantable PrEP Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has proven highly effective in preventing HIV infection, but for some taking PrEP, taking the daily pill can be challenging,…
Global Fund Head of Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health describes evolution in the approach to health systems strengthening
Viviana Mangiaterra, Head of Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health at the Global Fund since 2014, spent most of her career working in the field of maternal and child health services at the WHO and later at the World Bank. Hired to conceptualize the Global Fund’s commitment to health system strengthening, she designed the tools and framework that underpin the…
Fiscal agents reduce financial risks within Global Fund grants but do not build implementer capacity
Fiscal agents have been part of the Global Fund Financial management system in countries with high or moderate fiduciary risks since 2012. According to the Global Fund Guidelines on Financial Risk Management, fiscal agents reduce financial risks originating from weak financial management of principal or sub-recipients of Global Fund grants. This article aims to foster an understanding of the place…
Global Fund launches “promise to all 7-year-olds” call to action, to end epidemics of AIDS, TB and malaria by 2030
“We want to make a promise to you. Not a promise we can keep today, but a promise you can count on when you turn 18.” Thus begins the ‘open letter’ from the Global Fund – signed by a large number of high-profile artists and athletes – to 7-year-olds everywhere, who will be 18 in 2030, the target date of…
Kenyan High Court upholds criminalization of same-sex relations
Allan Maleche and Tabitha G. Saoyo