This week’s full roll-out of the new funding model provides an opportunity to review independent assessments at the country level that recommend a significant transformation in the way the Global Fund structures its operations.
Download PDF With the launch on 19 March of its inaugural issue of OFM : Observateur du Fonds Mondial, Aidspan is expanding the breadth and depth of its reach among those who are keen to monitor and assess the progress being made by the Global Fund in its fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Since 2002, Aidspan has published the English-language…
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ABSTRACT Aidspan launches its French-language newsletter, Observateur du Fonds Mondial, to broaden its multilingual reach and be even more relevant to individuals and organizations involved with the Global Fund.
With the launch on 19 March of its inaugural issue of OFM : Observateur du Fonds Mondial, Aidspan is expanding the breadth and depth of its reach among those who are keen to monitor and assess the progress being made by the Global Fund in its fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Since 2002, Aidspan has published the English-language Global Fund Observer, reaching nearly 10,000 subscribers in 170 countries.
Now, with its monthly French-language newsletter, Aidspan is looking to penetrate more deeply into the Global Fund ecology at the country level. With analysis and original reporting in French, as well as translations of key English-language articles, OFM will provide nuance and clarity to those who watch and participate in programs and activities supported by the Global Fund.
France is historically one of the most important contributors to the Global Fund, committing some $4 billion over the 12 years of the Fund’s existence. French contributions to the fight against HIV, TB and malaria also include its pivotal role in the development of the drug purchasing program UNITAID, its support for the GAVI alliance for vaccines and immunization and its continued promotion of the 5% Initiative providing further financial assistance to Global Fund grants in francophone countries.
Aidspan has since its own inception produced French-language content, translating some of its guides to the Fund and its processes in French as well as articles from GFO. The launch of the French-language website in 2013 reflects Aidspan’s awareness that more than 30 countries in Africa and the Caribbean miss out on important details related to the Global Fund and its processes because of the lack of comprehensive information in French.
Limited by modest resources and small team, Aidspan cannot do everything to address the French-language gap at the Global Fund. But we are cognizant of the value we can bring even with those limited resources, and look forward to providing the same credible, clear and concise information we are known for to our newly expanded francophone audience.
Subscription to OFM is a relatively simple process that will require users to create an account or modify their existing accounts to reflect their language preference. Users are, of course, welcome to subscribe to both the French and English versions of the newsletter.
We invite you to share with us your comments, feedback and subject ideas. We are excited that we can now provide a platform for francophone experts and academics to share their views and perspectives on the Global Fund and its processes and policies. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the email addresses below.
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