David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 7
In 2014-2016, almost $1 billion in interventions from the register were funded
ABSTRACT The Global Fund has posted its Register of Unfunded Quality Demand online. There are two databases, one for 2014-2016 and one for 2017-2019. The Fund has indicated that in 2014-2016 almost $1 billion in interventions from the register were funded.
The Global Fund is providing access to its Register of Unfunded Quality Demand via its website. Two databases in Excel format are available, one for 2014-2016 and one for 2017-2019. The databases can be downloaded here.
ALERT: If you are a PC user, you should have no problem using all the features of the databases, including the search filters, providing you have a recent, perhaps the most recent, version of Excel installed on your computer. If you are a Mac user, you may not be able to use the search and filter functions to navigate the databases; we tried and failed. We even tried using a version of the Excel software available online, but to no avail.
The databases contain information on all of interventions that have been placed on the register. Interventions that have already been funded remain on the register but show zero as the amount of the intervention.
The 2017-2019 database contains three tabs of data plus a user information tab. The applicant analysis tab contains a tool to enable the UQD of one or more selected countries to be displayed. Any combination of disease components may be selected. Additional filter options are available.
The component analysis tab contains a tool to enable the UQD for given component across the whole portfolio to be displayed. Additional filter options specifying the modules or the interventions of interest may be selected. The full register of UQD tab contains the full dataset of information displayed in a simple table that can be copied and exported for further analysis.
The 2014-2016 database contains the same tabs, plus a tab showing the UQD from regional proposals; and a tab listing the proposals that contained no UQD.
The amount for each UQD intervention is provisionally entered onto the register after the proposal has been reviewed and has entered the grant-making stage. The amount is confirmed once the relevant grants are recommended to the Global Fund Board for approval. Interventions on the register are available for up to three years after the confirmed amounts have been entered.
The register does not show the priority of the various interventions. Instead, when funds are available to finance interventions on the register, the Secretariat undertakes a process to identify the interventions with the highest priority, using criteria outlined in the Prioritization Framework.
Although there are two databases, neither one has priority over the other. When there are funds available, interventions may be selected from either database. According to the Secretariat, which database is used may depend on the source of the funding. For example, if the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) decides that there are funds available to finance interventions on the register, it may designate that the funds are for a specific replenishment period.
Funding for interventions on the register may come from additional Global Fund resources that the AFC makes available for investment (the AFC conducts an annual assessment); or resources channeled from eligible donors to specific country interventions (through the Global Fund). These donors can include private donors (such as corporations, foundations and individuals) and approved public mechanisms (i.e. Unitaid and Debt2Health).
Donors can search the register by region, country, disease component and intervention to identify quality demand in an area of interest. Private sector donors may select the country and disease component they would like to fund; however, they cannot select the precise intervention.
Donors may also select interventions from the UQD register and work directly with the country to fund these programs.
To date, most of the funding for interventions on the UQD register have come from savings and efficiencies identified during grant-making and grant implementation.
The register is updated each time new interventions are added, but is published once a quarter (providing there are new entries).
During 2014-2016, almost $1 billion in interventions from the UQD Register were funded.
An FAQ on the UQD Register is available here.