Download PDF TheĀ RBM Partnership to End Malaria, which coordinates global efforts to fight malaria, launched itsĀ new strategic plan for 2021-2025Ā in January 2021. This strategic plan considers the progress made in the last two decades and challenges faced in the fight against malaria, including inadequate funding, emerging drug and insecticide resistance, increasing population movement and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. In…
Article Type:Article Number: 10
Quality programming, adequate financing, and innovation are key priorities
ABSTRACT The Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership to End Malaria has recently launched its new strategic plan for 2021-2025. The new Strategy focuses on enhancing the quality of malaria programming, raising funding levels, and scaling up research and development for new malaria innovations.
TheĀ RBM Partnership to End Malaria, which coordinates global efforts to fight malaria, launched itsĀ new strategic plan for 2021-2025Ā in January 2021. This strategic plan considers the progress made in the last two decades and challenges faced in the fight against malaria, including inadequate funding, emerging drug and insecticide resistance, increasing population movement and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the light of these challenges, the Strategic Plan prioritizes three objectives: optimizing the quality and effectiveness of national and regional programming, maximizing financing levels, and facilitating the deployment and scale up of new products, techniques or implementation strategies. It describes the key actions prioritized under each of these three main areas. For instance, to achieve its first objective, the RBM Partnership will support countries in designing their programs, using data to inform programming and helping them to address implementation bottlenecks and gaps, to name a few.
The Strategic Plan also outlines four practical approaches that will drive the successful implementation of these strategic actions: open and timely sharing and use of quality data, meaningful partner engagement, targeted advocacy and communications, and a focused Secretariat.
This Strategic Plan, which was developed through a consultative process with partners from across regions and sectors, sets the stage for achieving the ambitious 2025 and 2030 malaria reduction and elimination targets and milestones. These targets and milestones include reducing malaria incidence and mortality rates by at least 75% in 2025 and by 90% in 2030, compared with 2015. This new momentum is needed as countries collectively failed to reach most of the 2020 milestones, including reducing the incidence and mortality by 40%.
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