The First Fifty "Phase 2 Renewals"
Download PDF The Global Fund has made its fiftieth decision regarding whether to approve a grant for extension beyond the first two years, known as “Phase 2 Renewal.” For the first time, the Fund is now making public each Grant Scorecard, which contains the originally-confidential evaluation that the Secretariat submitted to the Board when making its recommendations regarding Phase 2….
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ABSTRACT The Fund has made its fiftieth decision regarding whether to approve a grant for extension beyond the first two years, known as "Phase 2 Renewal." And the Fund is now making public each Grant Scorecard, which contains the originally-confidential evaluation that the Secretariat submitted to the Board when making its recommendations regarding Phase 2.
The Global Fund has made its fiftieth decision regarding whether to approve a grant for extension beyond the first two years, known as “Phase 2 Renewal.”
For the first time, the Fund is now making public each Grant Scorecard, which contains the originally-confidential evaluation that the Secretariat submitted to the Board when making its recommendations regarding Phase 2. [For details, see “Evaluations: Excerpts from Grant Scorecards,” below.]
Each Grant Scorecard assesses many aspects of the grant’s performance, and then combines these assessments into an “Overall Grant Rating.” This can have the following values:
A: Grant performance has met or exceeded expectations
B1: Grant performance has not met expectations, but has been adequate
B2: Grant performance has been inadequate, but potential has been demonstrated
C: Grant performance has been unacceptable
Separately, the Secretariat assesses “Contextual Considerations,” which relate to factors beyond the control of those involved in grant implementation but that can have an impact on the chances of success.
Finally, after taking into account the “Overall Grant Rating” and the “Contextual Considerations,” the Secretariat makes one of the following recommendations:
“Go”: The grant should be approved for Phase 2 (Years 3-5)
“Conditional Go”: The grant should be approved for Phase 2, on condition that specified actions are taken by the PR and/or CCM within a specified time period.
“Revised Go”: The grant should be approved for Phase 2, subject to specified major changes being made from the original proposal.
“No Go”: The grant should not be approved for Phase 2, and should therefore be terminated.
With the first 50 grants assessed for Phase 2 Renewal, some of which were reported on in GFO Issue 40, the ratings were as follows:
- Rating A: 19 grants
- Rating B1: 21 grants
- Rating B2: 8 grants
- Rating C: 2 grants
The final recommendations from the Secretariat were as follows:
- Go: 32 grants
- Conditional Go: 15 grants
- Revised Go: 0 grants
- No Go: 3 grants
Of the three grants recommended as “No Go,” the Board agreed with the Secretariat regarding one of them (a Senegal malaria grant). As a result, that grant is being terminated. For the other two (Senegal HIV and Honduras HIV), the Board decided to give the CCM two months in which to propose revisions to the grant. After that, the grant may still be terminated, or it may be permitted to continue.
For each of the fifty grants, the Fund provides at www.theglobalfund.org/en/funds_raised/performance the above-mentioned Grant Scorecard. At the same location, and/or at its country pages, the Fund also provides for these and some other grants an occasionally-updated Grant Performance Report, a document that was never confidential and that contains some information that is new and some that duplicates what is in the Grant Scorecard.
The fifty grants for which Phase 2 decisions have been made
Country | Round | Disease Component | Grant number | Grant Rating | Board decision re Phase 2 |
Argentina | 1 | HIV/AIDS | ARG-102-G01-H-00 | A | Conditional Go |
Benin | 2 | HIV/AIDS | BEN-202-G03-H-00 | B1 | Go |
Benin | 1 | Malaria | BEN-102-G01-M-0 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Burundi | 1 | HIV/AIDS | BRN-102-G01-H-00 | B1 | Go |
Chile | 1 | HIV/AIDS | CHL-102-G01-H-00 | B1 | Go |
China | 1 | Malaria | CHN-102-G02-M-0 | A | Go |
China | 1 | TB | CHN-102-G01-T-00 | A | Go |
Congo (Democratic Republic) | 2 | TB | ZAR-202-G01-T-00 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Cuba | 2 | HIV/AIDS | CUB-202-G01-H-00 | A | Conditional Go |
El Salvador | 2 | HIV/AIDS | SLV-202-G01-H-00 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Ethiopia | 1 | TB | ETH-102-G01-T-00 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Ghana | 1 | HIV/AIDS | GHN-102-G01-H-0 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Ghana | 2 | Malaria | GHN-202-G03-M-0 | A | Go |
Ghana | 1 | TB | GHN-102-G02-T-00 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Haiti | 1 | HIV/AIDS | HTI-102-G02-H-00 | B1 | Go |
Haiti | 1 | HIV/AIDS | HTI-102-G01-H-00 | A | Go |
Honduras | 1 | HIV/AIDS | HND-102-G01-H-0 | B2 | Referred back to CCM for Revised Request for Continued Funding |
Honduras | 1 | Malaria | HND-102-G03-M-0 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Honduras | 1 | TB | HND-102-G02-T-00 | B2 | Conditional Go |
India | 1 | TB | IDA-102-G01-T-00 | A | Go |
Indonesia | 1 | HIV/AIDS | IND-102-G03-H-00 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Lao PDR | 1 | HIV/AIDS | LAO-102-G01-H-00 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Lao PDR | 1 | Malaria | LAO-102-G02-M-0 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Madagascar | 2 | HIV/AIDS | MDG-202-G02-H-0 | A | Go |
Madagascar | 2 | HIV/AIDS | MDG-202-G03-H-0 | B1 | Go |
Madagascar | 1 | Malaria | MDG-102-G01-M-0 | B1 | Go |
Moldova | 1 | HIV/TB | MOL-102-G01-C-0 | A | Go |
Mongolia | 2 | HIV/AIDS | MON-202-G02-H-0 | A | Go |
Mongolia | 1 | TB | MON-102-G01-T-0 | A | Go |
Morocco | 1 | HIV/AIDS | MOR-102-G01-H-0 | A | Go |
Multi-country Africa(RMCC) | 2 | Malaria | MAF-202-G01-M-0 | A | Go |
Multi-country Western Pacific | 2 | HIV/AIDS | MWP-202-G01-H-0 | B2 | Conditional Go |
Multi-country Western Pacific | 2 | Malaria | MWP-202-G02-M-0 | B1 | Go |
Multi-country Western Pacific | 2 | TB | MWP-202-G03-T-0 | B1 | Go |
Panama | 1 | TB | PAN-102-G01-T-00 | A | Go |
Philippines | 2 | Malaria | PHL-202-G01-M-00 | B1 | Go |
Philippines | 2 | TB | PHL-202-G02-T-00 | A | Go |
Rwanda | 1 | HIV/TB | RWN-102-G01-C-0 | A | Go |
Senegal | 1 | HIV/AIDS | SNG-102-G01-H-00 | C | Referred back to CCM for Revised Request for Continued Funding |
Senegal | 1 | Malaria | SNG-102-G02-M-0 | C | No Go |
Swaziland | 2 | HIV/AIDS | SWZ-202-G01-H-00 | B1 | Conditional Go |
Tajikistan | 1 | HIV/AIDS | TAJ-102-G01-H-00 | A | Go |
Tanzania/Zanzibar | 1 | Malaria | ZAN-102-G01-M-0 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | HIV/AIDS | ZAM-102-G01-H-0 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | HIV/AIDS | ZAM-102-G04-H-0 | A | Go |
Zambia | 1 | HIV/AIDS | ZAM-102-G08-H-0 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | Malaria | ZAM-102-G02-M-0 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | Malaria | ZAM-102-G05-M-0 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | TB | ZAM-102-G03-T-00 | B1 | Go |
Zambia | 1 | TB | ZAM-102-G06-T-00 | A | Go |