Tell Us Your Experiences With the Round 5 Application Process
Download PDF GFO is interested in hearing from readers about their experiences with applying to the Fund in Round 5. Did you find the Fund’s application form and guidelines useful? If not, what were the problems? Did you use the PDF version or the Word version of the application form? Did you have any problems with either? Write to David…
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ABSTRACT GFO is interested in hearing from readers about their experiences with applying to the Fund in Round 5. Did you find the Fund's application form and guidelines useful? Did you use the PDF version or the Word version of the application form? Did you have any problems with either?
GFO is interested in hearing from readers about their experiences with applying to the Fund in Round 5. Did you find the Fund’s application form and guidelines useful? If not, what were the problems? Did you use the PDF version or the Word version of the application form? Did you have any problems with either?
Write to David Garmaise (garmaise@aidspan.org), author of the “Aidspan Guide to Round 5 Applications to the Global Fund”, telling him of your experiences. All correspondence will be treated as confidential. If we receive enough replies to be statistically meaningful, we’ll write an article summarizing reactions received.
While you’re at it, let us know also if you used the Aidspan Guide – Was it useful? How could it be improved when we do the Round 6 version?