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Plans Are Fine, But Who Has Been Helped?

Plans Are Fine, But Who Has Been Helped?

In the past few years we have heard many announcements – such as today’s – about scaling up plans and programs regarding HIV/AIDS treatment. They have come from UNAIDS, WHO, PAHO and the Global Fund, as well as generic and originator drug companies. But after the press coverage dies down, things don’t seem to change very much for the people…

Feachem testifies about CCMs

Feachem testifies about CCMs

On 7 May 2003, Richard Feachem, Executive Director of the Fund, testified in WashingtonDC before the US House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Foreign Operations. Much of what he said came in the form of unscripted answers to questions from the Chair, Representative Jim Kolbe. Following are some excerpts from what Dr. Feachem said. On CCMs: Today, 50% of the members…




