Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 7
ABSTRACT Eighteen countries have a "low" or "lower-middle" income level, plus an adult HIV infection rate above 1%, and have not yet received a Global Fund grant for HIV/AIDS.
Aidspan has conducted an analysis of all countries that meet any of the following criteria:
- Poor: Income level is “Low” or “Lower-middle”
- High prevalence: Adult HIV infection rate is above 1%
- No grant: Did not yet receive a Global Fund grant for HIV/AIDS
Eighteen countries meet all three criteria. They are listed in the following table.
------------- | ---------- | ------- | -------------- | --- | Country | Income |Adult HIV| Global Fund |Has a| | infection | | grant status | CCM?| | rate | | re HIV/AIDS | | ------------ | ----------- | --------| --------------- | --- | Angola |Low | 5.5% |Did not apply? | No | Belize |Lower-middle | 2.0% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Cameroon |Low | 11.8% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Chad |Low | 3.6% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Congo |Low | 7.2% |Did not apply? | No | Congo,Dem.Rep.|Low | 4.9% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Equat. Guinea |Low | 3.4% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Eritrea |Low | 2.8% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Gambia, The |Low | 1.6% |Did not apply? | No | Guatemala |Lower-middle | 1.0% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Guinea-Bissau |Low | 2.8% |Did not apply? | No | Guyana |Lower-middle | 2.7% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Jamaica |Lower-middle | 1.2% |Did not apply? | No | Mali |Low | 1.7% |Did not apply? | Yes | Sierra Leone |Low | 7.0% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Somalia |Low | 1.0% |Did not apply? | Yes | Sudan |Low | 2.6% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | Suriname |Lower-middle | 1.2% |Rejected Round 2 | Yes | ------------- | ----------- | ------- | --------------- | --- |
Note: Countries shown as “Did not apply?” did not apply for an HIV/AIDS grant in Round 2, and were not approved for such a grant in Round 1. it’s possible that they applied and were rejected in Round 1; such countries have not been identified by the Fund.
Sources: Re Income:Ā www.worldbank.org/data/countryclass/classgroups.htm. Re HIV infection rates: “Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic 2002,” UNAIDS. Other data:Ā www.globalfundatm.org.