Download PDF Over 300 organizations in 67 countries have signed the International Appeal for Full Funding of the Global Fund. This Appeal was launched two weeks ago by the three NGO board members of the Global Fund, backed by a coalition of NGOs in Europe, North America and Japan. The board members explained that donor governments, at their Replenishment Meeting…
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ABSTRACT Over 300 organizations in 67 countries have signed the International Appeal for Full Funding of the Global Fund. The Appeal was launched two weeks ago by the three NGO board members of the Global Fund, backed by a coalition of NGOs in Europe, North America and Japan.
Over 300 organizations in 67 countries have signed the International Appeal for Full Funding of the Global Fund. This Appeal was launched two weeks ago by the three NGO board members of the Global Fund, backed by a coalition of NGOs in Europe, North America and Japan. The board members explained that donor governments, at their Replenishment Meeting to be held on September 5-6 in London, are likely to pledge far less money to the Global Fund than the Fund says it requires. The Appeal that the 300 organizations signed calls upon donor governments to contribute their fair share to meet the Global Fund’s needs, and specifies exactly how much each donor should contribute.
The Appeal has also been signed by eleven CCM Chairs, and a number of prominent persons, including Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town; Stephen Lewis, Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa of the UN Secretary-General; Zachie Achmat, Chair of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa; and Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The period for accepting signatures has been extended to 3 September. Full details about the Appeal and who has signed are available atĀ www.aidspan.org/globalfund/appeal. Organizations can sign by emailingĀ GlobalFundAppeal@aidspan.org.
A selection of the 311 organizations that have signed the Appeal as of today is as follows:
Action against AIDS Germany / AktionsbĆ¼ndnis gegen AIDS | Germany |
ActionAid International | UK |
Africa Action | USA |
Africa Japan Forum | Japan |
AfriCASO | Senegal |
AIDES | France |
AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) | Russia |
Aidspan | USA |
AsociaciĆ³n para la Salud Integral y Ciudadania en America Latina (ASICAL) | Ecuador |
Association des FrĆØres et Soeurs Unis du Cameroun | Cameroon |
Association Marocaine de Lutte Contre le SIDA (ALCS) | Morocco |
Blue Diamond Society | Nepal |
Bread for the World | Germany |
CARE International | Belgium |
Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) | USA |
Centre for Youth and Population Development | Ghana |
Christian Aid | UK |
Church World Service | USA |
Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) | Zambia |
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance | Switzerland |
Global AIDS Alliance | USA |
Global Health Council | USA |
Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) | Netherlands |
Health GAP (Global Access Project) | USA |
HIV-Service Coalition | Ukraine |
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD) | Canada |
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) | USA |
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS | UK |
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) | Canada |
International HIV/AIDS Alliance | UK |
Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) | Kenya |
Latin American Network of PLWHA (RedLa+) | Colombia |
Lutheran World Federation | Switzerland |
Open Society Institute (London) | UK |
Oxfam International | UK |
Positive Women Network | India |
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition | USA |
RĆ©seau des Acteurs Intervenants dans la Lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA | Niger |
Russian Harm Reduction Network | Russia |
Rwanda HIV/AIDS NGO Forum | Rwanda |
South African Council of Churches | South Africa |
STOP AIDS NOW! | Netherlands |
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) | South Africa |
World AIDS Campaign | Netherlands |
World Council of Churches | Switzerland |
World Vision International | USA |
World YWCA | Switzerland |
Zambia National AIDS Network | Zambia |
Plus 260 more |