Grants Renewals Will Be Affected by the New Funding Model
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 3
ABSTRACT Elements of the New Funding Model will apply to grant renewals. Details have yet to be announced.
Some elements of the New Funding Model (NFM) will apply to grant renewals, but exactly how this will work is not known yet.
In announcing the decisions taken by the Global Fund Board regarding the December 2012 recommendations of the Grant Renewals Panel (see separate article in this issue), the Secretariat acknowledged that there has been a lack of clarity concerning how the NFM will affect renewals, but that it is planning to use opportunities within the existing grant renewals process āto transition to the NFM.ā
The Secretariat said that it expects to be able to provide the Board with more information about this in January 2013. The Secretariat said that the January update will be the first in a series of regular communications to the Board on the TFM.
The Secretariat said that the January update will also contain information on which countries are being considered for the transition phase of the NFM.
Neither the reports of the Grant Renewals Panel nor the announcements of Board decisions regarding these reports are posted on the Global Fund website.