Download PDF The Communications Team at the Global Fund Secretariat has launched an invitation to everyone involved in Global Fund-related work to participate in a story-gathering effort for social media. Given global travel restrictions, the team is reaching out to their partners and networks to ask individuals to send them selfie-videos about their experiences and work during the COVID-19 pandemic, all around…
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ABSTRACT The Global Fund’s Communications team calls for video-selfie contributions from anyone within the Global Fund partnership whose work continues through – and is impacted by – the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Communications Team at the Global Fund Secretariat has launched an invitation to everyone involved in Global Fund-related work to participate in a story-gathering effort for social media.
Given global travel restrictions, the team is reaching out to their partners and networks to ask individuals to send them selfie-videos about their experiences and work during the COVID-19 pandemic, all around the theme “The Fight Continues” to end AIDS, TB and malaria. They are asking people to share one or two concrete examples of how their work continues and/or is impacted by COVID-19.
The question your 1-2 minute video-selfie should answer is “How is your organization continuing the fight to end HIV, TB and/or malaria?”
The team says they are “casting the net very wide” and welcome stories from anyone who wants to share their experience: health workers, community leaders, photographers, advocates, peer educators, and more.
A briefing note about the project details the specifications for the selfie-video production, including technical requirements.