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Fund’s Chief of Operations to Depart

Fund’s Chief of Operations to Depart

reasons. Herbert has been with the Fund for almost three years, and for much of that time has been in charge of all work regarding oversight of Global Fund grants. Upon announcing his plans to depart, Herbert told all staff that “to have been part of the start-up and to lead such a great team has been the highlight of…

Partnership Forum Generates Recommendations on Global Fund Strategic Issues

Partnership Forum Generates Recommendations on Global Fund Strategic Issues

Over 400 people from 118 countries attended the Global Fund’s second Partnership Forum on 1-3 July 2006 in Durban, South Africa. Some of the most significant recommendations to emerge called for the possible use of programme-based rather than Round-based funding; making technical assistance more efficient; re-thinking the role of Local Fund Agents (LFAs); and fixing procurement and supply management bottlenecks….

Two Giants Learning to Dance Together

Two Giants Learning to Dance Together

When you have a donor giving billions of dollars for AIDS, politics inevitably raises its head from time to time. And when you have two such donors, and they’re working out how to dance with each other, the politics gets heavier. This has certainly been the case with the Global Fund and the US’s PEPFAR program. Just under a year…

The First Fifty "Phase 2 Renewals"

The First Fifty "Phase 2 Renewals"

The Global Fund has made its fiftieth decision regarding whether to approve a grant for extension beyond the first two years, known as “Phase 2 Renewal.” For the first time, the Fund is now making public each Grant Scorecard, which contains the originally-confidential evaluation that the Secretariat submitted to the Board when making its recommendations regarding Phase 2. [For details,…

Excerpts from Grant Scorecards

Excerpts from Grant Scorecards

As reported above, the Global Fund Secretariat provides confidential Grant Scorecards to board members during consideration of “Phase 2 renewal” of grants that are approaching the end of their second year. The Grant Scorecards, which contain the Secretarit’s candid comments on the strengths and weaknesses of each grant, are published at after the Phase 2 decisions have been made….




