Aidspan a le plaisir d’annoncer la désignation d’Adèle Sulcas au poste de rédactrice en chef intérimaire, à compter du 7 juin 2018, tandis que le rédacteur en chef actuel, David Garmaise, fait face à des problèmes de santé. À ce titre, Adèle supervisera la publication du Global Fund Observer. Adèle possède une vaste expérience en journalisme aux États-Unis et en…
Adèle Sulcas appointed Acting Editor of Aidspan
Aidspan staff
OIG annual report says governments and partners are key to enabling the Global Fund to address quality of service issues
“There is often an asymmetry between the high level of accountability for impact that the Global Fund is generally held to and the sometimes low level of control that the organization has on many of the factors that drive such impact.” These were the words of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in its 2017 Annual Report which was…