Women in Board Leadership Positions
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 9
ABSTRACT We correct an error in an article posted on GFO Live on 23 March 2013 and reproduced in GFO 213 on 25 March 2013.
n an article posted on GFO Live on 23 March 2013, we said that when Dr Nafsiah Mboi and Mireille Guigaz take up their responsibilities as, respectively, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Global Fund Board this June, it will mark the first time that two women occupy the two Board leadership positions at the same time.
This was an error. Carol Jacobs (Chair) and Lieve Fransen (Vice-Chair) served concurrently for about a year, starting in 2006. Ms Fransen completed the term of Michel Kazatchkine when he resigned as Vice-Chair to become a candidate for the position of Executive Director.