WHO Issues Technical Brief on Addressing Gender Inequalities in Global Fund Proposals
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT A technical guidance brief prepared by the WHO is designed to support the development of proposals to improve the quality of HIV prevention, treatment and care programmes for women and girls through approaches that address gender inequalities.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a technical guidance brief on “Addressing Gender Inequalities: Strengthening HIV/AIDS Programming for Women and Girls” in Global Fund proposals. The information in the seven-page brief is designed to support the development of proposals to improve access to, and the quality of, HIV prevention, treatment and care programmes for women and girls through approaches that address gender inequalities.
The brief discusses gender-related elements that should be included in a situation analysis (e.g., harmful gender norms and practices, violence against women, lack of economic security, lack of education for girls). The brief also provides a list of essential elements for gender-responsive programming, as well as examples of strategies and activities for (a) standard HIV/AIDS interventions; and (b) broader interventions that promote gender equality.
Examples of strategies and activities for standard HIV/AIDS interventions are: providing skills to women and girls to negotiate safe sex; behaviour change communication strategies that target harmful gender norms and practices; and reducing barriers faced by women in accessing HIV/AIDS services. Examples of strategies and activities for broader interventions that promote gender equality are: working with law enforcement to respond to violence against women; providing economic opportunities to women; and keeping girls in school and making schools safe for them.
The brief provides links to other relevant resources.
“Addressing Gender Inequalities: Strengthening HIV/AIDS Programming for Women and Girls” is available at www.who.int/hiv/pub/toolkits/2-1a_Gender_Oct08EN.pdf.