Volume 2 of Aidspan’s Round 11 Applying Guide Released
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 2
ABSTRACT Volume 2 of "The Aidspan Guide to Round 11 Applications to the Global Fund" is now available in English. Volume 2 explains the applications process, describes what is new for Round 11, and provides guidance on how to fill out many of the questions on the Round 11 proposal forms both the regular proposal form and the common HSS proposal form.
Volume 2 includes guidance on filling out the proposal forms
Volume 2 of “The Aidspan Guide to Round 11 Applications to the Global Fund” is now available in English at www.aidspan.org/guides. Volume 2, entitled “The Applications Process and the Proposal Forms,” comes in two versions: one for single-country applicants and one for multi-country applicants.
Volume 2 explains the applications process, describes what is new for Round 11, and provides guidance on how to fill out many of the questions on the Round 11 proposal forms both the regular proposal form and the common HSS proposal form. The guide also includes a number of extracts from proposals that were approved for funding in past rounds.
The table of contents for Volume 2 is as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What’s New for Round 11?
Chapter 3: General Information on the Round 11 Applications Process
Chapter 4: Guidance on Specific Sections of the Round 11 Regular Proposal Form
Chapter 5: Guidance on Specific Sections of the Common Proposal Form for Cross-Cutting HSS Components
French-, Spanish- and Russian-language versions of Volume 2 should be posted by the second week in September.
Aidspan released Volume 1 (“Getting a Head Start”) earlier. Volume 1 explains the Global Fund’s new eligibility criteria, counterpart financing requirements, and prioritisation criteria. Volume 1 also provides a series of links where potential applicants can obtain information concerning the development of the technical content of their proposals; and provides a list of documents that the Global Fund recommends applicants read before they prepare their application. In addition, Volume 1 provides guidance on how CCMs can manage the proposal development process, including the process of soliciting in-country submissions.