Djesika Amendah

A new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit of Global Fund grants in the Democratic Republic of Congo acknowledges successes across the three diseases achieved under extraordinarily challenging circumstances, but also highlights stockouts or insufficient stocks of health commodities, data inaccuracies relating to people living with HIV, inadequate financial management by the Principal Recipient and limited Secretariat oversight. This…
Fiscal agents have been part of the Global Fund Financial management system in countries with high or moderate fiduciary risks since 2012. According to the Global Fund Guidelines on Financial Risk Management, fiscal agents reduce financial risks originating from weak financial management of principal or sub-recipients of Global Fund grants. This article aims to foster an understanding of the place…
“There is often an asymmetry between the high level of accountability for impact that the Global Fund is generally held to and the sometimes low level of control that the organization has on many of the factors that drive such impact.” These were the words of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in its 2017 Annual Report which was…
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A deep dive into Global Fund language: Trying to make sense of the impenetrable and incomprehensible
liver Campbell White