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Aidspan web site visited by 2,000 people in a single day

Aidspan web site visited by 2,000 people in a single day

Aidspan’s web site (, which is normally visited by about 500 people per day, was visited by 2,000 people the day after GFO announced a week ago that the site now provides an “early-warning” system showing for every Global Fund grant how well that grant is performing against its own goals and in relation to other Global Fund grants. In…

Global Fund Inspector General

Global Fund Inspector General

As a result of pressure from the United States, the Board agreed to appoint an Inspector General. The role of the office of the inspector general will be to assess whether the Global Fund and its grant recipients are using the money in the ways intended. Inspections, both announced and unannounced, will be conducted of the Global Fund, PRs, Sub-Recipients,…




