Round Three Decisions
Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 3
ABSTRACT A list is provided showing all eligible applications received in Round 3, with the board's decision in each case. Also shown are countries that were eligible to apply but did not do so.
The following table lists all countries eligible to apply for Global Fund grants. For each country, the table shows the applicant, the components (HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, or HIV plus TB) for which a Round 3 grant was requested, and the board’s decision. Also shown are eligible multi-country applications.
The meanings of Categories 1, 2A, 2B, 3 and 4 are explained at the end of the table.
Afghanistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,439,177
Afghanistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,150,960
Afghanistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $5,941,748
Albania — CCM did not apply
Algeria — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $6,185,000
Angola — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $19,067,584
Angola — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $25,259,000
Angola — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,184,487
Armenia — CCM did not apply
Azerbaijan — CCM did not apply
Bangladesh — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $11,456,195
Bangladesh — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $13,532,089
Bangladesh — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $17,169,684
Barbados — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $9,208,353
Belarus — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $6,818,796
Belize — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,298,884
Benin — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $1,383,931
Bhutan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $412,700
Bhutan — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $395,000
Bolivia — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $6,019,023
Bolivia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $6,099,563
Bolivia — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $2,381,646
Bosnia and Herzegovina — CCM did not apply
Botswana — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,243,500
Bulgaria — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,013,280
Burkina Faso — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $827,120
Burundi — CCM did not apply
Cambodia — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $14,731,002
Cambodia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,865,042
Cameroon — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $14,641,407
Cameroon — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $16,938,794
Cameroon — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $2,986,220
Cape Verde — CCM did not apply
Central African Republic — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $7,741,975
Central African Republic — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,687,749
Chad — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $7,380,156
Chad — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $3,028,688
China — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $32,122,550
Colombia — CCM did not apply
Comoros — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $751,700
Congo (Democratic Rep.) — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $34,799,786
Congo (Democratic Rep.) — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $24,966,676
Congo (Republic) — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $8,242,988
Congo (Republic) — Applicant=an NGO; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,325,000
Cote d’Ivoire — Applicant=an NGO; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 1) — 2-year grant: $1,023,534
Cote d’Ivoire — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $9,855,759
Cote d’Ivoire — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $2,877,316
Cuba — CCM did not apply
Djibouti — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $5,807,900
Djibouti — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,274,390
Djibouti — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,291,000
Dominican Republic — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $2,034,530
Dominican Republic — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $2,636,816
East Timor — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $967,650
Ecuador — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,565,029
Ecuador — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $5,977,416
Egypt — CCM did not apply
El Salvador — CCM did not apply
Equatorial Guinea — CCM did not apply
Eritrea — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $8,124,910
Eritrea — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,486,180
Ethiopia — CCM did not apply
Fiji — CCM did not apply
Gabon — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $3,154,500
Gabon — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,004,778
Gabon — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $604,000
Gambia — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $6,241,743
Gambia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $5,665,500
Gambia — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $6,220,664
Georgia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $645,700
Ghana — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $16,707,652
Ghana — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $21,921,387
Ghana — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $13,071,408
Guatemala — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $8,423,807
Guinea — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,488,280
Guinea-Bissau — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,129,958
Guinea-Bissau — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,755,057
Guinea-Bissau — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,503,587
Guyana — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $9,486,122
Guyana — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $2,055,675
Haiti — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $7,390,556
Haiti — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 1) — 2-year grant: $8,131,836
Honduras — CCM did not apply
India — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $38,390,000
India — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $2,667,346
India — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $42,883,376
Indonesia — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $23,101,000
Iran (Islamic Rep. of) — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $4,000,000
Iran (Islamic Rep. of) — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,299,697
Iraq — CCM did not apply
Iraq — Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Integrated
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $9,463,037
Jamaica — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $7,560,365
Jordan — CCM did not apply
Kazakhstan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $5,393,118
Kenya — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $58,004,104
Kenya — Applicant=CCM; Component=Integrated
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $25,092,923
Kenya — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,812,250
Kiribati — CCM did not apply
Korea (Dem. Peoples Rep. of) –
Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $3,227,300
Kyrgyzstan — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $785,000
Laos — CCM did not apply
Latvia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Not known
Rejected (Not eligible)
Latvia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Not known
Rejected (Not eligible)
Lesotho — CCM did not apply
Liberia — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 1) — 2-year grant: $12,140,921
Macedonia (The FormerYugoslavRepublic of) –
Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $4,348,599
Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Rep. of) –
Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,142,500
Madagascar — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $13,415,118
Madagascar — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $5,232,448
Madagascar — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,681,016
Malawi — CCM did not apply
Malaysia — CCM did not apply
Maldives — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,005,100
Mali — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $17,492,950
Marshall Islands — CCM did not apply
Mauritania — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,445,256
Mexico — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Not eligible)
Micronesia — CCM did not apply
Moldova — CCM did not apply
Mongolia — CCM did not apply
Morocco — CCM did not apply
Mozambique — CCM did not apply
Multi-country Africa (AMREF) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $2,566,176
Multi-country Africa (ECSA Health Community Secretariat) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,077,000
Multi-country Africa (HACI) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $15,477,500
Multi-country Africa (HPI) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $21,747,000
Multi-country Africa (IFRCRC) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $51,179,486
Multi-country Africa (IFRCRC) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $7,980,458
Multi-country Africa (MIPESA) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,033,458
Multi-country Africa (Presbyterian Church) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $1,123,580
Multi-country Africa (WorldTeach) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $34,170,415
Multi-country Americas (Andean) —
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $15,909,000
Multi-country Americas (OECS) –
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year request: $2,553,861
Multi-country Americas (PANCAP) –
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $6,100,900
Multi-country Portuguese speaking –
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $12,773,451
Multi-country South East Asia (TROPMED) –
Applicant=a regional org.; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,125,894
Myanmar — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $19,221,525
Myanmar — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $9,462,062
Namibia — CCM did not apply
Nepal — CCM did not apply
Nicaragua — CCM did not apply
Niger — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $8,475,297
Niger — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $4,815,109
Niger — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,867,084
Nigeria — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $87,783,683
Pakistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $6,138,487
Pakistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $314,000
Pakistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,548,636
Pakistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $6,768,734
Panama — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $8,075,594
Papua New Guinea — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,290,000
Papua New Guinea — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $6,106,556
Paraguay — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $9,811,763
Paraguay — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,194,902
Peru — CCM did not apply
Philippines — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $3,496,865
Romania — CCM did not apply
Russian Federation — Applicant=an NGO; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $31,596,308
Russian Federation — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $3,492,841
Russian Federation — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $24,076,047
Russian Federation — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $6,341,210
Russian Federation — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $24,298,048
Rwanda — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $14,890,735
Rwanda — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $13,045,301
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines — CCM did not apply
Samoa — CCM did not apply
Sao Tome and Principe — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,139,658
Sao Tome and Principe — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,975,026
Senegal — CCM did not apply
Serbia — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,909,799
Serbia — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 1) — 2-year grant: $2,428,986
Sierra Leone — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $10,855,343
Sierra Leone — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,154,607
Slovakia (Slovak Rep.) — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Not eligible)
Solomon Islands — CCM did not apply
Somalia — Applicant=an NGO; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,950,000
Somalia — Applicant=an NGO; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $588,000
Somalia — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 1) — 2-year grant: $5,601,215
Somalia — Applicant=an NGO; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,955,000
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $15,521,456
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $8,553,624
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $23,136,451
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,668,769
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $69,898,308
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $9,062,250
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $30,443,293
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $776,000
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $5,698,953
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=Integrated
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $57,069,854
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $7,688,722
South Africa — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $14,996,075
Sri Lanka — CCM did not apply
Sudan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $7,842,140
Sudan — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $25,585,580
Sudan — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $18,810,078
Sudan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,993,000
Sudan — Applicant=a Sub-CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $4,809,284
Suriname — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,188,432
Suriname — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $2,775,330
Swaziland — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,348,400
Syrian Arab Republic — CCM did not apply
Tajikistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $913,418
Tajikistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,835,399
Tajikistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $1,521,040
Tanzania/Zanzibar — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $959,482
Tanzania — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $3,495,249
Tanzania — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $23,951,034
Thailand — CCM did not apply
Thailand — Applicant=an NGO; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $911,542
Togo — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $3,479,337
Togo — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $1,752,982
Tonga — CCM did not apply
Trinidad and Tobago — CCM did not apply
Tunisia — CCM did not apply
Turkey — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $6,975,950
Turkey — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $235,150
Turkey — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 4) — 2-year request: $1,292,860
Turkmenistan — CCM did not apply
Uganda — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $70,357,632
Ukraine — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $27,804,760
Uzbekistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Approved (Category 2B) — 2-year grant: $5,182,832
Uzbekistan — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $14,639,371
Vanuatu — CCM did not apply
Vietnam — Applicant=CCM; Component=Malaria:
Approved (Category 2A) — 2-year grant: $13,388,402
West Bank and Gaza — CCM did not apply
Yemen — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $5,500,405
Yemen — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $1,073,925
Zambia — CCM did not apply
Zimbabwe — Applicant=CCM; Component=HIV/AIDS:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $56,057,370
Zimbabwe — Applicant=CCM; Component=TB:
Rejected (Category 3) — 2-year request: $6,382,377
The meanings of the Categories are as follows:
- Category 1: Approved proposals for which the Technical Review Panel (TRP) sought no clarifications or only minor ones. Clarifications must be provided within 4 weeks. Final approval of clarifications must be issued by the TRP Chair and/or Vice-Chair.
- Category 2: Approved proposals for which the TRP sought a number of clarifications. Clarifications must be provided within 6 weeks. Any follow-up queries must be answered and finally approved by the TRP within 3 to 4 months. Approval of clarifications must be issued by the TRP Chair and/or Vice-Chair, plus the TRP primary and secondary reviewers.Note: Proposals assigned to Category 2 were sub-divided into sub-Categories 2A and 2B, based on how many clarifications were needed. All these proposals were approved, but for technical reasons, approval of the Category 2B proposals only takes full effect in January 2004. At a practical level, this difference has no impact. All applicants whose proposals were approved (i.e. whose proposals fell into Categories 1, 2A and 2B) will be asked to answer the clarifications and then to negotiate grant agreements during the remainder of 2003.
- Category 3: Proposals not recommended in their present form, but regarding which applicants are encouraged to submit improved applications in future Rounds.
- Category 4: Proposals not recommended for funding, and regarding which the TRP provides no encouragement that applicants should re-apply in future Rounds.
Further details on all the above grants should be available at www.aidspan.org in the course of Tuesday October 21.
The table below shows that between Round 2 and Round 3, the percentage of eligible proposals that were approved went down from 43% to 39%, and the dollar value of the approved proposals went down from 41% to 34% of the value of all eligible proposals.
Approval Rates in Rounds 1, 2 and 3
Number of eligible proposals | % | Cost of Years 1-2 | % | |
Round 1: Submitted | 204 | 100% | c. $1,500 m. | 100% |
Of which, Approved | 58 | 28% | $578 m. | c. 39% |
Round 2: Submitted | 229 | 100% | $2,137 m. | 100% |
Of which, Approved | 98 | 43% | $878 m. | 41% |
Round 3: Submitted | 180 | 100% | $1,853 m. | 100% |
Of which, Approved | 71 | 39% | $623 m. | 34% |