Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT The Fund will issue its "Round 8" Call for Proposals on March 1, less than a week from now. As soon as possible thereafter, the second volume of the "Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund" will be released.
The Global Fund will issue its “Round 8” Call for Proposals on March 1, less than a week from now. Details will be provided at the Fund’s website,Ā www.theglobalfund.org.
As soon as possible thereafter, the second and final volume of theĀ “Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund”Ā will be released. Volume 2 (“The Applications Process and the Proposal Form”) will contain information on the Round 8 applications process; will include a chapter on what is new for Round 8; and will provide step-by-step guidance on how to fill out the Round 8 proposal form. Volume 2 will be posted first in English and then, as soon as the translations can be completed, also in French and Spanish.
Volume 1 (“Getting a Head Start”) is already posted in English, French and Spanish atĀ www.aidspan.org/guides, where various other Aidspan guides are also available. Among other things, Volume 1 provides guidance on how CCMs can manage the proposal development process, including the process of soliciting in-country submissions. It also includes an extensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of proposals submitted in previous rounds of funding (based on comments by the Technical Review Panel).