Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 3
ABSTRACT Round 7 applicants submitted fewer, but bigger and better, proposals than in any previous round. The TRP has reviewed the 150 eligible Round 7 proposals, and has recommended that the board approve 73 of them costing $1,112 million, a record amount. Information on which ones have been recommended for approval will become known in November.
Round 7 applicants to the Global Fund submitted fewer, but bigger and better, proposals than applicants in all previous rounds.
The Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel (TRP) has reviewed the 150 eligible Round 7 proposals that were submitted to the Fund, and has recommended that the board approve 73 of them. The grants recommended for approval will cost a total of $1,112 million over two years. This is a record amount: in the six previous rounds, the two-year value of approved grants ranged from $571 million to $968 million.
The percentage of proposals recommended for approval was also a record ā 49%, up from an average of 38% over the previous rounds.
The average two-year cost of the proposals recommended for approval in Round 7 was $15 million ā again a record, up from an average of $10.3 million over the previous rounds.
On the other hand, the number of eligible proposals submitted in Round 7, at 150, was the lowest ever.
The TRP’s recommendations regarding Round 7 will be reviewed and voted on by the Board of the Global Fund at its next meeting on November 12-13. (In previous rounds, the board has always followed the TRP’s advice regarding which proposals to approve.) GFO does not have information regarding which particular proposals have been recommended for approval; the Fund will release that information once the board has made its decisions in November.
Global Fund Proposals, Submitted and Approved, by Round
Round | Eligible proposals submitted | Of which:
Rounds 1-6:Ā Ā Approved by Board Round 7:Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Recommended by TRP for board approval |
Average cost of approved proposals | ||||
Number | Cost * | Number
(and % of total) |
CostĀ *
(and % of total) |
Round 1 | 204 | $1,500 m. | 58 | (28%) | $571 m. | (38%) | $10 m. |
Round 2 | 229 | $2,137 m. | 98 | (43%) | $860 m. | (40%) | $9 m. |
Round 3 | 180 | $1,853 m. | 71 | (39%) | $620 m. | (33%) | $9 m. |
Round 4 | 173 | $2,512 m. | 69 | (40%) | $968 m. | (39%) | $14 m. |
Round 5 | 202 | $3,298 m. | 63 | (31%) | $726 m. | (22%) | $12 m. |
Round 6 | 196 | $2,519 m. | 85 | (43%) | $847 m. | (34%) | $10 m. |
Round 7 | 150 | $2,377 m. | 73 | (49%) | $1,112 m. | (47%) | $15 m. |
* “Cost” means the upper ceiling for the budget for Years 1 to 2 (i.e. for Phase 1). Cost does not include proposals recommended for acceptance in Round 7 under the new “Rolling Continuation Channel” option.