Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 6
ABSTRACT Advice on how to stop your issue of GFO being blocked by spam filters.
If you used to receiveĀ Global Fund ObserverĀ (GFO)Ā but now it doesn’t arrive in your email any more, and you have not changed your email address, it’s probably because your email system is treating the message as spam.Ā GFOĀ is sent on a bulk basis, and spam filters are designed to filter out incoming bulk mailings that are unwanted. Unfortunately, in doing so, they sometimes filter out mailings that are wanted, usually sending them to a “Spam box.”
What you need to do is tell your email system thatĀ GFOĀ mailings, which are sent from the addressĀ newsletter@aidspan.org, should not be treated as spam. How this is done will vary with different email systems. In some systems (such as Gmail), it is simply a matter of creating a contact in your Contacts list, withĀ newsletter@aidspan.orgĀ as its email address. In other systems, you might need to addĀ newsletter@aidspan.orgĀ to your “white list” or “approved senders list”. If you are not sure how to do this, please speak to your system administrator or technical support person.
Obviously, if you are not currently receivingĀ GFO, you may not see this announcement. But maybe your friends and colleagues will see it and can tell you about it.
If you are receivingĀ GFOĀ regularly, it is still a good idea to addĀ newsletter@aidspan.orgĀ to your list of approved email senders. Hopefully, this will avoid any future delivery problems.