Kigali Declaration
Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT Representatives of East African and Indian Ocean countries issued a statement at a recent Global Fund regional meeting that called upon the people representing them on the Global Fund board to do so more effectively. They also called for Round 5 to be fully funded this year, and urged that Round 6 take place during 2006.
[The following declaration was agreed by representatives of countries of East Africa and the Indian Ocean at a recent Global Fund regional meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.]
We, the representatives of countries of East Africa and the Indian Ocean, participating in “Building on What Works: East Africa and Indian Ocean Regional Meeting” held in Kigali from 28-30 November 2005,
Noting that twenty five percent of the Global Fund’s investments have been made in this region, and,
Acknowledging the considerable work that remains to be done to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in our countries,
Declare our appreciation for the support The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has provided for our ongoing struggle to turn the tide of the three diseases, and,
Recognizing that the grants made by the Global Fund to our countries are, for the most part, working well,
Commit to the creation of an enabling environment in our different countries which allows civil society to participate actively in the CCM as well as in the implementation of grants;
Request the Global Fund to ensure the continuation of high-performing grants in countries where no alternative funding is available,
Call on the Global Fund to ensure that Round 5 is fully funded in 2005 so that approved proposals can be financed as soon as possible,
Request the Global Fund to announce that Round 6 will take place in 2006 to ensure the sustainability of the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria,
Request the Board Member and Alternate for the Eastern and Southern African constituency to convene a meeting of the constituency as a matter of urgency to discuss constituency management and communications, and to, without delay,
- establish a comprehensive list of contact people for all countries in the region,
- improve communication with countries in the region to ensure that they are informed of developments within the Global Fund,
- establish a communication mechanism for countries in the region to ensure constant access and availability of Board Members and Alternates for country representatives,
- establish a mechanism for consultation and reporting within the constituency to ensure matters of concern are raised and followed-up by the constituency representatives,
- ensure that consultation is undertaken with all countries in the region on all decisions that will be taken at Board Meetings,
- inform countries of key issues in all upcoming Board Meetings and ensure broad participation from countries in the region in delegations,
- ensure that appropriate consultations take place before the Board Meeting in Marrakech in December 2005, in order to ensure that concerns regarding constituency management are addressed by the Board;
- ensure that the voice of the constituency is always heard within the Board.
Agreed in Kigali on 30 November 2005.