GFO Issue 20
Bernard Rivers
Article Type:
Board decision
Article Number: 1
ABSTRACT At the Global Fund board meeting that took place on Thursday and Friday March 18 and 19, decisions were taken regarding governance, the approving of grants, administration, resource mobilization, and grant implementation.
The highlights of the Global Fund board meeting that took place on Thursday and Friday March 18 and 19, discussed further below, are as follows:
- The board chose Dr. Helene Rossert, the board member representing Developed Country NGOs, as Vice Chair.
- Nine new members were chosen for the Technical Review Panel (TRP).
- The board agreed a procedure that will be followed in Round 4 and later if the money available is not sufficient to finance all grants recommended for approval by the TRP.
- An approach was agreed on how to set about the renewal of grants as they approach the end of their second year.
- Three of the six eligible appeals regarding Round 3 decisions were approved.
- A 2004 budget was agreed, and the employment contract of the Executive Director was renewed.
- A “replenishment conference” will take place late this year, at which donors will agree on their main pledges for 2005 and 2006.
An unofficial record of all the resolutions passed at the board meeting is available at www.aidspan.org/gfo/docs/gf7bm.doc.
In other news, Aidspan has just released a second edition of “The Aidspan Guide to Applying to the Global Fund.” It is available for download at www.aidspan.org/guides.
Editorial Team
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