Guides and Reports Available on the Aidspan Website
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT The Aidspan website offers a number of Guides and Reports of value to people involved in applying for or implementing Global Fund grants.
The following is a partial list of the guides and reports available on the Aidspan website at www.aidspan.org/guides:
A Beginner’s Guide to the Global Fund
July 2009; in English, French, Spanish and Russian
Provides a broad introduction to the Global Fund for people who have little or no prior experience of the Fund. Comes in three versions: the full guide (about 60 pages); an eight-page summary, and a two-page summary.
The Aidspan Guide on the Roles and Responsibilities of CCMs in Grant Oversight
March 2009; in English, French, Spanish and Russian
Describes what grant oversight is, and provides basic advice on how a CCM can plan and implement oversight.
The Aidspan Guide to Building and Running an Effective Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM)
Second edition September 2007; in English, French and Spanish
Provides advice on how to build a strong and effective CCM. Topics covered include the structure of the CCM, CCM membership, CCM operations, the CCM’s role in proposal development and project implementation, and information sharing and constituency communications.
Grant Consolidation and the Single Stream of Funding – An Aidspan Q&A
July 2010; in English, French, Spanish and Russian
Provides basic information on the concepts of grant consolidation and the single stream of funding, and on how Global Fund applicants and implementers will be affected.
Aidspan Report: Key Strengths of Rounds 8 and 9 Proposals to the Global Fund
January 2010; in English, French, Spanish and Russian
Provides information to Global Fund applicants on key attributes of a strong proposal, based on an analysis of the strengths of all approved Round 8 and 9 proposals, as identified by the Technical Review Panel (TRP).
Aidspan Report: An Analysis of Global Fund Grant Ratings
November 2008; in English
Provides information on how different types of PR have performed.
Aidspan Report: Do Global Fund Grants Work for Women? An Assessment of the Gender Responsiveness of Global Fund-Financed Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa
July 2008; in English
Examines the extent to which approved proposals from sub-Saharan Africa in Rounds 1-7 included services and activities that were gender-responsive. Also reports on what results have been achieved for gender-related services and activities in Global Fund grants in five focus countries: Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
Aidspan White Paper: Scaling Up to Meet the Need: Overcoming Barriers to the Development of Bold Global Fund-Financed Programs
April 2008; in English
Discusses the obstacles at country level and at the Global Fund level to adequately scale up programmes; and what should be done to address these obstacles.
Aidspan White Paper: Providing Improved Technical Support to Enhance the Effectiveness of Global Fund Grants
March 2008; in English
Discusses the problems that arise in the provision of adequate, timely, appropriate and effective TS for programmes financed by the Global Fund; and what can be done about these problems.