Global Fund Releases New Documents for Grant Applicants and Recipients
Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 3
ABSTRACT At the same time that it launched Round 4, the Fund released a number of documents that are designed to be helpful to grant applicants and recipients.
At the same time that it launched Round 4, the Fund released a number of documents that are designed to be helpful to grant applicants and recipients. The following brief descriptions are taken from the Fund’s web site at www.theglobalfund.org/en/apply/call, where links to the documents are available in English and five other languages.
Document 1: Call for Proposals
The Global Fund now calls for proposals for the Fourth Round of financing. The proposals should support the scale-up of effective existing programs and innovative projects that meet the Global Fund’s criteria and that have a clear demonstration of how the resources sought from the Global Fund will achieve additional results in partnership with existing programs. Including: who can apply; developing the proposal and submitting an application; application format; contact details
Available in English at
Document 2: Guidelines for 4th Round
Proposals timetable; available resources; proposal types; scope of proposals; proposal development; criteria for proposal review; proposal application and review process; country eligibility
Available in English at
Document 3: Proposal Form
The Online Application Form will be available as of 14 January 2004. The following PDF version is for your review.
Available in English at
Document 4: Monitoring & Evaluation toolkit: HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
To support the monitoring and evaluation sections a toolkit for the three diseases has been developed by a wide range of institutions. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide in one place the “essentials” of agreed upon best practice in M & E, by applying a common framework for the three diseases and providing users with references to key materials and resources. You will find descriptions of the major indicators, how they fit into general monitoring and evaluation, and frequently asked questions and answers. It is the first time this framework has been developed for the three diseases, so the toolkit is in draft and will be developed with feedback over time.
Available in English at
Document 5: The Global Fund’s Guidelines on the Purpose, Structure and Composition of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms
These guidelines outline the principles for CCMs and their roles and responsibilities in proposal development, in implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Fund approved programs.
Available in English at
Document 6: Fiduciary Arrangements for Grant Recipients
This policy paper was endorsed by the Board of the Global Fund at its 5th meeting in June 2003. It describes the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders to the Global Fund’s grant making system. Specifically, it describes the Global Fund’s fiduciary arrangements to ensure that grant proceeds are used for intended purposes and results achieved without imposing unnecessary new burdensome requirements on grant recipients.
Available in English at
Document 7: Guidelines for Performance Based Funding
This guidelines document provides operational details for grant recipients on the Global Fund’s system for performance based funding. The document includes information on:
- the content of a grant agreement between the Global Fund and a Principal Recipient (PR) and the grant negotiation process;
- the content of the progress documentation to be provided by PRs to the Global Fund throughout the grant period in Disbursement Requests and Progress Updates, Fiscal Year Progress Reports and yearly Audit Reports; and
- the content of the Request for Continued Funding to be submitted by Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) before the end of the initial two year grant period.
Further information about the Global Fund’s process to continue funding programs beyond the initial two years will be provided following decisions to be taken at the Global Fund’s 7th Board meeting in March 2004.
Available in English at
Document 8: Guidelines for Annual Audits of Program Financial Statements
This guidelines document provides operational details on the Global Fund’s requirements for external annual audits of the expenditures of Principal Recipients (PRs) and sub-recipients. The Global Fund’s audit policy for grant recipients is based on the key features of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Task Force on Donor Practices Good Practice Reference Paper on Reporting on Financial Aspects and Auditing.
Available in English at
Document 9: Board decisions on Procurement and Supply Management
Product selection and rational use; quality assurance; procurement and pricing; budgeting and finance; monitoring and evaluation.
Available in English at
Document 10: Guidelines on the criteria and process for appeals
Eligibility; grounds for appeal; conditions; time limit to file an internal appeal; procedure for internal appeal review and decision; appeal panel; final decision of the Board of the Global Fund; exclusive remedy, effect of internal appeal; costs; confidentiality; review/amendment; disclosure of information; languages; entry into force and transitory provisions
Available in English at
Document 11: Form for Internal Appeals
Available in English at