David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT Additional information from the Global Fund on changes to the grant renewal process includes an eligibility list for 2012 renewals and an FAQ document.
The Global Fund has posted on its website information on changes to the grant renewals process as a result of decisions made at the November 2011 meeting of the Board. The information is availableĀ here.
Most of the information on the website was included in aĀ GFOĀ articleĀ in Issue 169, published on 5 December 2011. However, some of the information is new.
The Global Fund has now published an eligibility list for grants renewals in 2012. The list is organised by country and, within each country, by component (i.e., HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health systems strengthening). For each component, the list shows whether the country is eligible to apply for renewal and, where the country is eligible, what the focus of proposal requirements are and what the counterpart financing minimum threshold is. The eligibility list can be accessed from the Fund’s website, and can also be downloaded directlyĀ here.
The Global Fund has also published an FAQ document on the changes to grant renewals. The document can be accessed from the Fund’s website, and can also be downloaded directlyĀ here.
In addition, the Global Fund has produced a chart depicting the new requirements for grant renewals by income category. The chart can be accessed from the Fund’s website, and can also be downloaded directlyĀ here.
The Global Fund Secretariat is in the process of updating its request for renewal package. The package includes an application form and guidelines. The formal name of the request for renewals is “request for additional financial commitment,” though the Fund uses several different terms on its website. According to the Fund’s website, the Global Fund Secretariat will communicate with all applicants that are in the process of submitting their request, or that have already submitted their request, and whose request is scheduled to be reviewed after 1 January 2012. This communication will provide detailed information on the applicant’s situation, and may state that the applicant is required to resubmit its request or provide additional information to the Secretariat.
The website also states that more information on different scenarios regarding requests for additional financial commitment will be communicated to affected countries as soon as it is available, “which should be no later than January 2012.”
The Global Fund says that specific questions should be directed to fund portfolio managers, and that general inquiries should be sent toĀ Grant.Renewals@theglobalfund.org.