Global Fund Observer Editorial
Editorial Team
Article Type:Article Number: 1
Gearing up for the new cycle with NFM4 materials....
ABSTRACT Our editorial teamās summary of what you can expect from this issue of the Global Fund Observer.
Dear subscribers
Welcome to the latest issue of the Global Fund Observer which we kick off with an article about risk management and how to move from a colonial-style imposed top-down risk management approach to one that truly involves all stakeholders and builds consensus, To risk or not to risk, that is the questionĀ . We really would love your views on this.Ā A new approach to risk management can only benefit us all ā what do YOU think?Ā And how achievable is it?
We continue with our semi-light-hearted look at the Operation Policy Manual (Global Fund Operational Policy Manual: Part 2 – Delving into the Mysteries) which has now moved on to take a look at the development of the funding requests.Ā This is very topical: given that a new round of Global Fund funding cycle is fast approaching, we have been able to provide you with a sneak peak at the new application materials and timeline for NFM4 (A first look at NFM4 application materials). These new materials have been developed in response to the results of surveys, key informant interviews and other data sources with a wide range of Global Fund stakeholders, and it wonāt surprise you to see that many respondents complained about the complexity of the Global Fund language and the lengthy and complicated form filling.Ā Hopefully, the new application materials, guidance notes, templates and FAQs will have taken account of this.Ā If not, we shall be among the first to complain!
We also bring you needs of an innovative project on domestic health financing, a hot topic which has become even more so in the face of the Global Fundās Investment Case requirements for countries to raise at least $59 billion towards the Seventh Replenishment (Global Fund and partnersā Joint Learning Agenda on Health Financing and Universal Health Coverage).Ā Twenty Anglophone and Francophone African countries have come together to train and be trained in how to advocate with their governments to raise the much-needed investments for health.
Finally, we finish with a summary of the Global Week of Action Ā events in support of the Seventh Replenishment
STOP PRESS. Next week Aidspan will publish a special issue of the GFO on Ukraine with stories and photos coming directly to you from colleagues on the front line.Ā Please donāt miss it!
The global health community has geared up for World TB Day, celebrated today on 24 March, and which we will cover in more detail in our issue next week.Ā Meanwhile, here are some links to useful information for you to be going on with:
- The Global Fund WTBD Social Media toolkit: https://express.adobe.com/page/CUYxqmpugCo6b/
- The Global Fund WTBD Press Release: https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/news/2022-03-22-global-fund-calls-for-renewed-urgency-in-fight-to-end-tb/
- Stop TB toolkit: https://www.stoptb.org/news/world-tb-day-2022-campaign-kicks-off
And please do provide Likes (or Dislikes) and Comments under the articles: without feedback, we cannot improve or give you more (or less) of what you want (or donāt want).
If you enjoy the GFO and find it relevant to your work, please encourage your colleagues to subscribe! You can contact ida.hakizinka@ aidspan.org for any comments and/or queries.
Aidspan EditorialTeam