Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 4
ABSTRACT The Fund will launch Round 9 in two weeks' time, on 1 October. The deadline for applications will be 21 January 2009. The proposal form and guidelines for Round 9 will be substantially unchanged from Round 8.
The Global Fund will officially launch Round 9 in two weeks’ time, on 1 October, as previously reported in GFO Issue #93. The deadline for applications will be 21 January 2009. The Fund says that the proposal form and guidelines for Round 9 will be substantially unchanged from Round 8. At the time of the launch, the Fund will clarify what is involved in re-submitting a Round 8 proposal.
Because so little will change from Round 8, Aidspan, publisher of GFO, isĀ not planning to reviseĀ “The Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund,”Ā and thus advises potential applicants to use the Round 8 guide for their Round 9 proposals.
“The Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund”Ā comes in two volumes.Ā “Volume 1: Getting a Head Start”Ā provides information and guidance to help potential applicants decide whether or not to apply, and, if they decide to apply, to assist them with the proposal development process (including the process of soliciting in-country submissions for possible inclusion in the national proposal). Volume 1 also discusses factors for potential applicants to consider if they plan to submit a regional or non-CCM proposal. Finally, Volume 1 includes an extensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of proposals submitted in previous rounds of funding (based on comments by the Technical Review Panel).
“Volume 2: The Applications Process and the Proposal Form”Ā outlines the applications process, describes what was new for Round 8, and provides step-by-step guidance on how to fill out the Round 8 proposal form. Volume 2 is available in two versions, one for single-country applicants and one for multi-country applicants.
Both volumes are available in English, French and Spanish atĀ www.aidspan.org/guides.
In preparing for Round 9, applicants may also want to use Aidspan’s documents for in-country submissions, released in December 2007 (see announcement in GFO Issue #82). These documents, which are designed to assist CCMs with the in-country submissions process, are available in English, French, Spanish and Russian atĀ www.aidspan.org/aidspanpublications.