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GFO Issue 397



Arlette Campbell White

Article Type:
Editor's Note

Article Number: 1

ABSTRACT The GFO editorial on the articles in this issue of the Global Fund Observer.

As you can imagine, we are all rather exhausted after the intensity of the 45th Board meetings and the efforts involved in getting out the summaries of the most important Board papers to you on the actual day of the last Board meetings, 12 May. Nonetheless, we have risen to the challenge and in this edition of the GFO we provide you with an update on one of the Board papers that we did not have space for in the Special-post-Board issue. This is the Annual Update on Community, Rights and Gender & Strategic Objective 3 (A long way to go: Community, Rights and Gender, & Strategic Objective 3).

In particular, we wanted to leave the CRG report to this edition to separate it from the plethora of Board paper discussions in the Special post-Board issue. This is because we feel strongly that, given the topic’s importance and the fact that targets are not on track, it should have been part of the actual Board discussions and not relegated to pre-Board discussions. Let us know what you think.

The Global Fund should learn from the COVID-19 disruptions and set new realistic targets for the three diseases  is the title of our fifth article in the COVID-19 series which discusses the takeaway messages from the impact of COVID-19 on the Fund’s way of working, and the implications for existing disease targets. And do read our interview with one of the article’s authors and an Aidspan Board member, Professor Alan Whiteside (An Interview with Alan Whiteside ).

We are also catching up with the Office of the Inspector General Reports, and one in particular (Global Fund Grant in Pakistan: Prohibited practices compromised procurement in a tuberculosis program ) makes fascinating reading.

‘From the field’ brings you a taste of the Middle East Response Initiative. This is a multi-country grant for six countries in the region with varying degrees of development but one overarching commonality in that they are either recipient or donor countries for internally displaced populations and refugees. It is a heart-warming story of inter-agency cooperation and collaboration that is a credit to the Global Fund partnership (The Middle East Response multi-country grant: partnerships for people on the move).

If you enjoy the GFO and find it relevant to your work, please encourage your colleagues to subscribe !

Don’t forget: if you are aware of an interesting development relevant to disease programmes or health systems and that you feel is worthy of global discussion, do let me know together with the name of a person prepared to write about this. Suggestions and comments can be sent to me in English, French or Spanish. My email address is:

Arlette Campbell White

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