Download Download is available until [expire_date] Version Download 5 File Size 1.07 MB File Count 1 Create Date 2022-09-14 Last Updated 2022-09-22 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Aidspan launched its Strategic Plan in January, and has begun to create exciting, new and effective products and tools designed to meet the goal of broadening and deepening our reach as the independent watchdog of…
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- Last Updated 2022-09-22
Aidspan launched its Strategic Plan in January, and has begun to create exciting, new and effective products and tools designed to meet the goal of broadening and deepening our reach as the independent watchdog of the Global Fund. A selection of our main achievements is below. We have also been organizing all background systems and mechanisms necessary to implement this plan smoothly. A new communications and disseminations plan was developed, and to strengthen the planning and reporting we thoroughly revised the M&E plan with targets for outputs and outcome measurement, and a new system for reporting the more qualitative measures of our outcomes and impact. Aidspan comprises12 fulltime employees, enhanced by long term consultants, a network of correspondents, translators and some short-term service providers. Our productivity is high but could be higher. Our mission is big, and the funding mechanism we watch is endlessly complex and dynamic. We continue to be as ambitious as we can, to produce the highest quality work possible within the constraints of time and as funding allows. We continue to work with a financial gap, which, if closed, could allow us to do even more. ( File Link: https://webapi.aidspan.org/api/v1/fileget/Annual_Report_2014_final_edition.pdf )