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Annual Report 2010

Annual Report 2010

From its founding in 2002, Aidspan functioned as an unconventional organisation, the realisation of its founderā€™s vision. The founder first operated Aidspan as a one-person operation ā€“ albeit one with a fully engaged board of directors. By 2009, Aidspan had been joined by two staff members and two independent contractors. In late 2009, with the support of its donors and…

Aidspan Report: An Analysis of Global Fund Grant Ratings

Aidspan Report: An Analysis of Global Fund Grant Ratings

This Aidspan report presents an analysis by Aidspan of Global Fund grant ratings. Its key finding is: “Global Fund grants have shown distinct improvements in performance over the past three years. Each year, International NGOs have performed significantly better, on average, than any other PR type. Non-international NGOs have performed slightly less well, on average, than Ministries of Health, but…




