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"Aidspan Guide to Effective Implementation of Global Fund Grants (Volume 1)" is Published

"Aidspan Guide to Effective Implementation of Global Fund Grants (Volume 1)" is Published

Aidspan, publisher of Global Fund Observer, has published its latest Guide, entitled “The Aidspan Guide to Effective Implementation of Global Fund Grants – Volume 1: From Grant Approval to Signing the Grant Agreement.” As of Monday December 12, the new Guide will be downloadable at no charge from, where several previous Aidspan Guides are already available. The two-volume Guide…

New Data on Global Fund Results

New Data on Global Fund Results

[The following press release was issued by the Global Fund on World AIDS Day, 1 December 2005.] Global Fund Grants Deliver Substantial New Results – 75% Increase in AIDS Treatment and 150% Growth in Distributed Bed Nets in Six Months With 323 grants to combat HIV/ AIDS, TB and Malaria in 130 countries, Global Fund grants are proving that where…




