Contract to HR Services Provider in PNG Not Properly Awarded, OIG Says
aidspan-logo Alliance Ukraine Brokers Deal for Significant Reduction in Cost of HCV Treatment
The International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine (Alliance Ukraine) says that it has reached an agreement with MSD, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical producers, to more than halve the cost of a 48-week treatment course for hepatitis C (HCV) for its treatment initiative in Ukraine. MSD is known as Merck in the US and Canada. Alliance Ukraine said in a…
Lauren Gelfand Joins Aidspan as Editor-in-Chief
Lauren Gelfand takes up the role of Editor-in-Chief at Aidspan from 2nd September 2013. Lauren brings to this role a range of skills and experiences which will enhance the communications and journalistic content of Aidspan’s work. As Editor-in-Chief, Lauren becomes the head of Aidspan’s communications effective immediately. Within the next few weeks, Lauren will succeed David Garmaise as editor of…
Report on EECA Harm Reduction Initiative Released
David Garmaise