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GFO Issue 275



David Garmaise

Article Type:

Article Number: 2

Contains vision and mission statements and four focus areas

ABSTRACT The Global Fund is one step closer to having a new strategy for 2017-2022 following the adoption by the Board of a Strategic Framework.

The Global Fund has approved the framework for the next strategy. The strategy itself, which will cover the period 2017-2022, will be approved at the first Board meeting in 2016.

The framework contains four focus areas: (1) maximize impact against HIV, TB and malaria; (2) build resilient and sustainable system for health; (3) promote and protect human rights and gender equality; and (4) mobilize increased resources. For each focus area, the framework contains a general statement and between four and seven broad activities (see Tables 1-4).

Table 1: Maximize impact against HIV, TB and malaria

General statement Innovative approaches to meet diverse country needs are essential to accelerate the end of the epidemics.
Broad activities:

  1. Scale up evidence-based interventions with a focus on the highest burden countries with the lowest economic capacity and on key and vulnerable populations disproportionately affected by the three diseases.
  2. Evolve the allocation model and processes for greater impact, including innovative approaches differentiated to country needs.
  3. Support grant implementation success based on impact, effectiveness, risk analysis and value-for-money.
  4. Improve effectiveness in challenging operating environments through innovation, increased flexibility and partnerships.
  5. Support sustainable responses for epidemic control and successful transitions.

The vision statement in the framework is unchanged from the one in the current strategy: ā€œA world free of the burden of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with better health for all.ā€

Table 2: Build resilient and sustainable systems for health

General statement Strengthening systems for health is critical to attain universal health coverage and to accelerate the end of the epidemics.
Broad activities:

  1. Strengthen community responses and systems.
  2. Support reproductive, women’s, children’s, and adolescent health, and platforms for integrated service delivery.
  3. Strengthen global and in-country procurement and supply chain systems.
  4. Leverage critical investments in human resources for health.
  5. Strengthen data systems for health and countries’ capacities for analysis and use.
  6. Strengthen and align to robust national health strategies and national disease-specific strategic plans.
  7. Strengthen financial management and oversight.

The frameworkā€™s mission statement reads as follows: ā€œAttracting, leveraging and investing additional resources to end the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and to support attainment of the SDGs.ā€

Table 3: Promote and protect human rights and gender equality

General statement Promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality is required to accelerate the end of the epidemics.
Broad activities:

  1. Scale-up programs to support women and girls, including programs to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  2. Invest to reduce health inequities including gender- and age-related disparities.
  3. Introduce and scale-up programs that remove human rights barriers to accessing HIV, TB and malaria services.
  4. Integrate human rights considerations throughout the grant cycle and in policies and policy-making processes.
  5. Support meaningful engagement of key and vulnerable populations and networks in Global Fund-related processes.

The framework identifies two strategic enablers: (1) innovate and differentiate along the development continuum; and (2) support mutually accountable partnerships.

Table 4: Mobilize increased resources

General statement Increased programmatic and financial resources from diverse sources are needed to accelerate the end of the epidemics.
Broad activities:

  1. Attract additional financial and programmatic resources for health from current and new public and private sources.
  2. Support countries to use existing resources more efficiently and to increase domestic resource mobilization.
  3. Implement and partner on market shaping efforts that increase access to affordable, quality-assured key medicines and technologies.
  4. Support efforts to stimulate innovation and facilitate the rapid introduction and scale-up of cost-effective health technologies and implementation models.

The framework was recommended by the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee following a period of consultation which included three in-person partnership forums, an e-forum, global and regional events, and meetings with partner organizations and civil society. Priorities for the strategy were also discussed at a Board retreat in the Fall of 2014. Board members congratulated the SIIC and the Secretariat for having undertaken such a thorough consultation process.

When it approved the Strategic Framework, the Board requested that the Secretariat submit the final strategy narrative through the SIIC for approval, ā€œtaking into consideration lessons from implementing the current strategy, recommendations from the Strategic Review 2015 (see separate article in this issue), and additional input collected throughout the strategy development process.ā€

The Strategic Framework, Board Document GF-B34-11, should be available shortly atĀ

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