Kate Macintyre
Article Type:Article Number: 5
ABSTRACT A new Aidspan analysis of pricing trends between 2010-2013 in medicines to treat drug resistant and non-resistant tuberculosis is released.
The global strategy for fighting the spread and impact of TB is heavily supported by the Global Fund Ā through multiple grants to national TB and HIV programs. This can represent up to three quarters of funding for programs in high-burden countries.Ā A large proportion of those funds are used to buyĀ medicine and other commodities.
In a working paperĀ Examining the trends in costs of medicines for drug-susceptible and drug-resistant tuberculosis from 2010 ā 2013; an analysis of Global Fund PQR data, publishedĀ here, Aidspan examines cost trends for selected TB medications purchased with Global Fund support.
The analysis compares both costs for Ā first- and second-line treatments over time and costs paid by the 22 high-burden countries (HBC) compared to the low burden countries (LBC).
Study findings show the median cost of all first-line TB medications was significantly lower in HBC compared to LBC with pediatric formulations about half the cost of adult medicines. There was no similar variation in costs of second-line treatments between high- and low- burden countries. UnitĀ costs of second-line treatments were up to 100 times higher than those of first-line formulations. A rising trend was observed for first-line treatments over the four years; second-line treatment costs, with the exception of capreomycin, reduced over time.
The slow declining trends in the costs of second-line treatments and first-line treatments in LBC Ā may be attributed to the role of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) in obtaining competitive prices through pooled procurement. Conversely, the costs of first-line treatments in HBC show characteristics of a mature market. Ā Some of the differences in costs for pediatric and adult first-line drugs appear to coincide with the disbursement of grants by UNITAID to subsidize the cost of pediatric anti-TB drugs.
This analysis illustrates important differences in costs of anti-TB medications and highlights potential areas of intervention for initiatives aimed at accelerating progress towards achieving global TB targets, through increasing access to affordable anti-TB medications.