Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 1
ABSTRACT This new guide provides a broad introduction to the Global Fund for people who have little or no knowledge of the Fund.
Aidspan has released a new guide designed to provide a broad introduction to the Global Fund for people who have little or no prior experience of the Fund. A Beginner’s Guide to the Global Fund will be of interest to a wide range of people, including (but not limited to):
- people and organizations who are newly involved in Global Fund issues, or who wish to be (e.g., CCM members; employees of organisations serving as principal recipient or sub-recipient; Global Fund Board delegation members; Global Fund Secretariat staffers; and employees of partner agencies);
- journalists writing about the Fund;
- civil society organisations who want to take on a Fund watchdog role; and
- researchers studying the Fund.
A Beginner’s Guide to the Global Fund comes in three versions: the full guide (about 60 pages), an eight-page summary and a two-page summary. All three versions are available in English at www.aidspan.org/guides. French-, Spanish- and Russian-language editions of all three versions will be available by early September 2009 at the same site. The full version of the guide contains numerous links to the websites of the Global Fund and Aidspan, for people who need in-depth information.
The following are the main sections of A Beginner’s Guide to the Global Fund:
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Guide
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Global Fund
What is the Global Fund?
History of the Global Fund
Key Accomplishments
Core Principles
Chapter 3: Structure of the Global Fund – Global Level
Global Fund Board
Global Fund Secretariat
Technical Review Panel
Technical Evaluation Reference Group
Office of the Inspector General
Chapter 4: Structure of the Global Fund – In-Country
Country Coordinating Mechanisms
Principal Recipients and Sub-Recipients
Local Fund Agents
Chapter 5: Partnerships
Chapter 6: Funds Raised by the Global Fund
Chapter 7: Funds Committed and Spent by the Global Fund
Chapter 8: The Global Fund’s Application Process
Who Can Apply?
Rounds-Based Channel
Rolling Continuation Channel
National Strategy Applications
Chapter 9: Country Coordinating Mechanisms
Responsibilities of CCMs
How CCMs Function
Global Fund Guidance on CCMs
Chapter 10: Proposal Development Processes In-Country
Chapter 11: The Grant Implementation Process
PR Assessment
Grant Agreement
Ongoing Reporting, Reviews and Disbursements
Phase 2 Renewal
Procurement and Supply Management
Monitoring and Evaluation
Chapter 12: Reporting on Progress
Chapter 13: Evaluations of the Global Fund