Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 6
ABSTRACT Aidspan, the NGO that publishes Global Fund Observer, has moved its primary base of operations from New York City, USA, to Nairobi, Kenya.
Aidspan, the NGO that publishesĀ Global Fund Observer, has moved its primary base of operations from New York City, USA, to Nairobi, Kenya. (Publication of GFO was suspended during the transition, but resumes with this issue.)
When Aidspan was founded nearly five years ago, it pioneered the concept of an NGO that serves simultaneously as a watchdog over a major source of AIDS funding ā the Global Fund ā and as an independent and neutral provider of information to countries that wish to be financed by that source. (Aidspan is financed by unrestricted grants, primarily from foundations. It accepts no support from the Global Fund, and does no consulting, proposal-writing, or paid provision of technical assistance.)
In the past, Aidspan has had only one full-time employee (Bernard Rivers, who serves as Aidspan’s Executive Director and also as GFO’s Editor) together with two to three part-time subcontractors.
“Our mandate is unchanged, and continues to be global,” said Bernard Rivers. “But our funding has improved, and it makes much more sense for our planned growth to take place on the battlefront rather than in a Western country.”
Kenya-based readers of GFO who would like to be informed of future employment possibilities are invited to introduce themselves by email to Aidspan’s new Programme Coordinator, Angela Kageni (kageni@aidspan.org).