Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 1
ABSTRACT Volume 1 of The Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund has just been published. Versions in French and Spanish will be posted in the next couple of weeks. Among other things, Volume 1 provides guidance on the proposal development process, including the process of soliciting in-country submissions for possible inclusion in the national proposal.
Volume 1 of “The Aidspan Guide to Round 8 Applications to the Global Fund” has just been published. It is accessible at no charge at www.aidspan.org/guides, where various other Aidspan Guides are also available. Versions in French and Spanish will be posted in the next couple of weeks.
Volume 1 (“Getting a Head Start”) provides information and guidance (a) to help potential applicants decide whether or not they will apply in Round 8; and (b), if they decide to apply, to assist applicants with the proposal development process (including the process of soliciting in-country submissions for possible inclusion in the national proposal). Volume 1 also discusses factors that potential applicants should consider if they plan to submit a regional or non-CCM proposal. Finally, Volume 1 includes an extensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of proposals submitted in previous rounds of funding (based on comments by the Technical Review Panel).
Volume 2 (to be released as soon as possible after Round 8 is officially launched on 1 March 2008), will provide additional guidance on the Round 8 applications process and on how to fill out the Round 8 proposal form.
Aidspan has issued an applying guide for each new round of funding since Round 4. This is the first time that Aidspan has produced the guide in two volumes. This approach is consistent with advice from Aidspan (and others) that applicants need to start working on their proposals well in advance of the Global Fund’s call for proposals. The information in Volume 1 on the proposal development process is far more extensive than what was provided in Aidspan’s previous applying guides.
(Applicants may want to use Volume 1 in conjunction with Aidspan’s documents for in-country submissions, released in December 2007 (see announcement in GFO Issue #82). These documents, which are designed to assist CCMs with the in-country submissions process, are available in English, French, Spanish and Russian at www.aidspan.org/aidspanpublications.)
The main sections in Volume 1 are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background
- Deciding Whether to Apply
- The Importance of Getting a Head Start
Chapter 2: General Information
- What Initiatives Will the Global Fund Support?
- Are There Any Restrictions on the Amount of Funding Applicants May Apply For?
- Who is Eligible To Apply to the Global Fund?
- Description of the Applications Process
- What Criteria Are Used To Review Proposals?
- Deciding Whether To Submit a Non-CCM Proposal
- Deciding Whether To Submit a Regional Proposal
- Deciding Whether To Submit a Sub-CCM Proposal
- Guidance Concerning the Technical Content of Proposals
Chapter 3: The Proposal Development Process
- The Importance of Establishing a Proposal Development Process
- Integration with Other National Processes
- Designing the Proposal Development Process
- Issues To Consider for Each Action in the Process
- Managing the Proposal Development Process
- Process for Soliciting and Reviewing Submissions
Chapter 4: Lessons Learned from Earlier Rounds of Funding
- Strengths
- Weaknesses