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- Create Date 2023-05-15
- Last Updated 2023-06-27
Aidspan 2011 Annual ReportPage5Aidspan’s2011 AnnualPlanAidspan’sAidspan Strategic Plan 2010–2013lays out four programmatic objectiveswhich together aim to increase the impact of the Global Fund: conduct research on theGlobalFund;publishinformation, analysis and advice;facilitatediscussion;and pushforgreater impact.Our2011 Annual Plan, included in a technical appendix to thisannualreport, setsout an ambitious program of activities under each of these objectives. Aidspan’sPerformance Againstthe2011 Annual PlanWhen Aidspan’s 2011 annual plan was developed, activities were planned on theassumption that Aidspan’s revenue and expenditure during 2011 would be $1.9 million.Infact, 2011 revenue was only $1.1 million,mainlybecauseanewgrantagreementwassignedlater than expected. As a consequence, 2011 programmatic expenditure was only$0.8 million, 52% of the budgeted $1.6 million.This saving was achieved primarily bydeferringrecruitment of three new programmatic staff toearly2012.As a consequence of those things,severalactivities that had been planned for 2011weredeferred to 2012or cancelled. These includedresearching conflicts of interestin CCMs,publishinga guidetomanaging sub-recipients, and conducting a round table. Someother activitieswere commencedlater in the year than expected. These includedresearching the impact of selected Global Fund grants, publishing a guide on how to bean effective local watchdog, and completely redesigning the website.And yet,in a yearwhen programmatic expenditure was only 52% of what had been planned, 62%ofplanned2011 programmaticactivities were completedand a further 15% werecommenced. And Aidspan’s impact waswithout questiongreater thanin any prior year.Some highlights are discussed below, and a detaileddescriptionof performance againstthe annual plan isincluded in a Technical Appendix to this reportia