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Who we are

We are a non-profit organisation based in Kenya with a reputation for independently observing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) since 2002.  This has enabled us to enhance the effectiveness and      accountability of Global Fund initiatives. We have engaged in responsible reporting and analysis and are recognised as a credible source of information for the Global Fund ecology. We provide in-depth analysis of Global Fund policies and processes and are referred to by stakeholders as ‘explainers of the Fund’.

What we do

Aidspan is a non-profit organization based in Kenya whose mission is to reinforce the effectiveness of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by serving as an independent watchdog of the Fund and its grant implementers.


Aidspan promotes and advocates for open and inclusive deliberations and decision-making in the governance and operations of the Global Fund and other GHIs and their grants; Aidspan commits to the same in its own work.


Aidspan promotes and holds itself to the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, truthfulness and ethical conduct.


Aidspan values stakeholder engagement, leading to grant ownership and improved results. Aidspan embraces cooperation in its work, valuing an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to research, analysis, and publication.


Aidspan promotes full accountability of the Global Fund and other GHI resources at the global and country levels. Aidspan takes full responsibility for the content it publishes, paying close attention to its sources and listening to its audience to respond as best as it can to questions or criticism, including correcting errors or mistakes should they occur.


Aidspan aims to deliver the most pertinent content when it is most useful to its audiences through proactive research, prospective analysis, and prompt reporting.


Aidspan promotes and holds itself to the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, truthfulness and ethical conduct.


Aidspan embraces cooperation in its work, valuing an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to research, analysis, and publication


(of information and language) Aidspan ensures that information and language are accessible and purposeful (efficient, useful) in its own publications and for the GHIs it observes.

Our Vision

Transparent, accountable and effective implementation by the Global Fund and other global health initiatives as a foundation of global health equity.

Our Mission

To improve the effectiveness, transparency and  accountability of the Global Fund  and other global health initiatives through independent observation, convening, and building the capacity of in-country stakeholders and accountability mechanisms.

Our Goal

Refine and strengthen the existing services Aidspan provides to Global Fund stakeholders and expand these
services to other global health initiatives.

Policy Analysis

Aidspan conducts independent and critical analysis and investigation of Global Fund policies, strategies, processes and structures, funding mechanisms, transparency and data quality. We publish its analytical content through reports, case studies, peer-reviewed articles, and reviews. Aidspan also provides guidance to those applying for, implementing or overseeing Global Fund grants by publishing guides on diverse subjects. Aidspan relies on a small team of in-house researchers and external collaborators with expertise in health economics, epidemiology, governance, health systems strengthening, and Global Fund processes among others. We are developing collaborations with research institutions and other policy-focused organizations. Aidspan aims to provide independent analyses on the Global Fund policies that can be used by our stakeholders. They include the Global Fund (Secretariat, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and Board, including the committees), Global Fund donors, implementers, civil society researchers, and media. All Aidspan publications are open access. We Blog suggestions for articles and research collaborations.

Our History​


Aidspan launched Global Fund Observer (GFO), rapidly establishing it as the definitive source of news, analysis and commentary about the Global Fund.

Our Board Of Directors

Our Board of Directors has vast experience from across the globe and demonstrates strong leadership in driving the organisation’s mandate. Aidspan has a diverse team of monitoring and evaluation experts, policy analysts, knowledge management specialists, and engagement experts, and regularly engages with a global network of partners and service users. We have honed critical skills and services that continue to contribute to the effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria-related programmes funded by the Global Fund.




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