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- Create Date 2023-05-15
- Last Updated 2023-06-27
The purpose of this report is to provide information to Global Fund applicants on key attributes of a strong proposal. The report is based on an analysis of the strengths of all approved Rounds 8. 9 and 10 proposals, as identified by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) when it reviewed the proposals. The report will be of interest to applicants preparing proposals for Round 11. Please note: Since Aidspan published this report, the Global Fund has re-designed its website. Consequently, for now at least, the links in this report to full copies of proposals from Rounds 8, 9 and 10 do not work. To find a copy of a full proposal cited in this report, you will have navigate through the Global Fund’s website. Let’s say that you are looking for a Round 9 TB proposal from Ruritania (a ficticious country). Go to the Global Fund homepage at www.theglobalfund.org, and select “Ruritania” from the “Select Location” drop-down menu under “Grant Portfolio.” Once on the country page for Ruritania, you will find Round 10 proposals for which grants have not been signed (if there are any) at the bottom of the page. To find proposals from Rounds 8 and 9, and any Round 10 proposals for which grants have been signed, click on “Country portfolio” in the menu on left-hand side of the Ruritania page, right under the name “Ruritania.” Then look for a Round 9 TB grant and click on it. This will take you the page for that grant; in the bottom right-hand corner, you will find “Original Proposal.”