
The full absorption of grants is currently a top priority for the Global Fund and its recipient countries. This year marks the last year of grant implementation for 70% of active grants; the remaining 30% of the Global Fund’s grants will end in 2021 or 2022. The concern about absorption stems from a history of low absorption among recipient countries,…
The Global Fund Board has approved $57.9 million to finance interventions listed on the Register of Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) for existing grants in five countries: Algeria (HIV), Ethiopia (TB), Ghana (malaria), Nigeria (TB), and Uzbekistan (TB) grants. The additional funding comes from the reallocation of unutilized funds from other existing Global Fund grants to other countries, termed ‘portfolio optimization’….
On 27 September 2019, by electronic vote, the Global Fund Board approved funding for interventions from the Register of Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) valued at $46.4 million for nine grants in five countries (see Table). Most of the funds for these awards come from a portfolio-optimization exercise that was carried out in April 2019 for the 2017-2019 allocation cycle. The largest…
On 13 May 2019, the Global Fund Board approved, by electronic vote, funding for five country grants having a total value of $25.2 million. Domestic commitments for the programs included in the approved country grants amounted to $937.9 million. The five country grants were for four countries: Gabon, Georgia, Peru and Serbia. The largest award ($9.3 million) was for a…
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