Adèle Sulcas

Despite serious concerns about operational and systems weaknesses and risks, the Board has approved five TB/HIV grants to Nigeria totaling $510 million, of which $316 million is new funding. Board members, alternates and communication focal points were informed of the decision on 14 December. In approving the grants, the Board was acting on the recommendations of its Grant Approval Committee…
According to the Office of the Inspector General, the main source of misconduct identified this year through its investigations has been activities related to procurement. “Non-competitive tenders, fictitious invoicing and collusion between suppliers and procurement or finance managers have frequently led to fraud,” the OIG said. This information was contained in the semi-annual progress report prepared by the OIG for…
Within the last month, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has released four reports, three on audits conducted in Angola, Mozambique and Senegal, and one on a diagnostic review undertaken in Myanmar. In its reports, the OIG did not identify any instances of misappropriation of funds. However, in the Mozambique audit, the OIG said that some issues “call for…
In the first week of August, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released seven new reports covering audits conducted in Burundi, Malawi and Ukraine; and diagnostic reviews undertaken in Eritrea, Gambia, Georgia and Peru. Audits The OIG found no evidence of funds having been misappropriated in any of the audits. In the Malawi audit, the OIG identified expenditures of…
As a result of pressure from the United States, the Board agreed to appoint an Inspector General. The role of the office of the inspector general will be to assess whether the Global Fund and its grant recipients are using the money in the ways intended. Inspections, both announced and unannounced, will be conducted of the Global Fund, PRs, Sub-Recipients,…
Bernard Rivers
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