Owen Nyaka
LFA paper released –
Kate Micintyre
Main Decisions Made at Board Meeting
David Garmaise
Large Influx of NFM Applications Expected in 2014
David Garmaise
Global Fund Releases Report on Losses and Recoveries
David Garmaise
SIIC Approves Parameters for the Allocation Formula for 2014–2016
The Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (SIIC) has determined the parameters to be used for the allocations formula for 2014–2016. The SIIC approved indicators for disease burden and ability to pay; the methodology for determining Band 4 allocations; and maximum and minimum shares for apportioning indicative funding. This article provides details. Editor’s Note: The allocation methodology under the new funding…
Several Aspects of the NFM Have Yet to Be Finalised
David Garmaise
The good, the bad and the uncomfortable in country ownership –
Kate Macintyre