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Fund’s Chief of Operations to Depart

Fund’s Chief of Operations to Depart

reasons. Herbert has been with the Fund for almost three years, and for much of that time has been in charge of all work regarding oversight of Global Fund grants. Upon announcing his plans to depart, Herbert told all staff that “to have been part of the start-up and to lead such a great team has been the highlight of…

Two Giants Learning to Dance Together

Two Giants Learning to Dance Together

When you have a donor giving billions of dollars for AIDS, politics inevitably raises its head from time to time. And when you have two such donors, and they’re working out how to dance with each other, the politics gets heavier. This has certainly been the case with the Global Fund and the US’s PEPFAR program. Just under a year…

Aidspan web site visited by 2,000 people in a single day

Aidspan web site visited by 2,000 people in a single day

Aidspan’s web site (, which is normally visited by about 500 people per day, was visited by 2,000 people the day after GFO announced a week ago that the site now provides an “early-warning” system showing for every Global Fund grant how well that grant is performing against its own goals and in relation to other Global Fund grants. In…




