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Feachem testifies about CCMs

Feachem testifies about CCMs

On 7 May 2003, Richard Feachem, Executive Director of the Fund, testified in WashingtonDC before the US House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Foreign Operations. Much of what he said came in the form of unscripted answers to questions from the Chair, Representative Jim Kolbe. Following are some excerpts from what Dr. Feachem said. On CCMs: Today, 50% of the members…

Funding the Fund: Ten Key Issues

Funding the Fund: Ten Key Issues

Introduction This is a special edition of Global Fund Observer (GFO), devoted entirely to the topic “Funding the Fund: Ten Key Issues.” This edition is intended, in particular, to serve as an input to the “International Meeting to Support the Global Fund” to be held in Paris on Wednesday July 16. The Paris meeting will be attended by some 250…




